Wednesday, May 04, 2011

The Sound of Silence

I've lost my voice for a couple of days. It started with last Friday when I woke up with a sore throat. Saw the doc and was told that I had swollen tonsils. Stayed at home but I had to work on Saturday, it was parents' day. Sunday came and went and I was still fine but when Monday hit, I had no voice. Like seriously no voice. Tuesday rolled along and yes, you guessed it, still no voice. I still went to work but after work I went to the doctor. Got myself three days off work. Which in a way is good because I get to rest my voice and hang out with little Cha Cha.

I was thinking about my voice. The last time I lost it was about 5 years ago when I was still working in Singapore. At that time, it was almost an annual thingy that I'll lose it. And it was those moments that I really appreciate not being able to speak. Moving to Hong Kong, it didn't happen till now. But am I peeved that I lost my voice? No, actually, to a certain extent I'm glad. I get to talk less and listen more. I listen more carefully and there's no need to think of what to say next as I can't speak so I focus on listening more.

On Monday, Babe asked me, why am I not speaking to him and I looked at him and pointed to my throat and he went, oh sorry. I think he misses me speaking to him. But I enjoy listening to him. I enjoy listening to his thoughts, feelings and fears. I listened to what he was thinking about his living in Hong Kong and how he feels if we're going to be here for another 5 years or more. He also talked about his fears of having a second kid. It was nice for a change that I didn't have to interrupt him but just listen to what he had to say.

Sometimes, I do thinking my silence is golden. I admit that I talk way too much and sometimes, it's good just to listen to what others have to say and just listen. And enjoy this pic of Cha Cha. He loves his bath and his rubber ducky.

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