Friday, April 15, 2011

Shopping Habits

Last Sunday, after church we were in Zara before heading home. I was looking at buying little Cha Cha a pair of denim shorts. Babe picked out a black top and asked me to get it as he thought it would look good on me. I looked at the price and went, 'What HK400? That's a lot of money, you know?' Babe stared at my quizzically, and he said, 'No, it's not. Get it if you like it.' So I did get it.

Then I thought to myself. Well, before Cha Cha arrived, I would buy it without second thoughts. Why would I be mulling over to buy or not. Then Thursday came. Mum arrived and we went to meet Babe for dinner before heading home. Mum was looking at a bag and she bought it. I saw a bag that I kinda liked. But again, I mulled over it and thought over it. This time, it was 10 times the price of my shirt in Zara. Finally, I told Babe, no, I'm not getting it. He was like, why? Thought you love it, it's in your favorite color too!

On Monday night when I was having dinner with a couple of ladies, I told them that there is a shift in me. A huge shift. I consider and think more. I think if I need or want it. And if it's a want, how bad is the want. I've got to think of college funds and school fees and the savings fund for 'what ifs'. There's a lot more into my shopping and spending habits. I can't just buy anything that I fancy now because there's Cha Cha that I've got to consider.

We're going to Maldives for 4 nights over summer without Cha Cha. It'll be a short getaway for the both of us. We've gotten our tickets but not our accommodation. Once again I'm mulling over how much we should pay for. If Cha Cha didn't arrive, I would have picked out whatever I fancy.

In writing all that, does Cha Cha cram our style? Is he a hindrance? No, I enjoy him! He's making a nice positive change in our lives. So we're no long selfish DINKs. Double Income No Kids couple. We've morphed into a regular family of three and loving every moment of it!

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