Monday, December 14, 2009


Last week, Iris, a friend that I knew from church in Spore, emailed me asking if I could attend her wedding during the time that I'm back in Spore. Iris is getting married to Colin and I've known the both of them for ages and ages. Probably more than 20 years! Jacqui was home when I asked her about Colin and Iris and she told me that they were both in the same kindergarten class. I was blown away. So in other words, they practically known each other for almost their whole lives! After kindergarten, they were in the same class in Sunday School and probably hung out together in Youth Fellowship and stuff. Such sweet love! Oh of course, they only started dating like later, not when they were in kindergarten or anything like that.

After being a witness to a wedding, I've actually become a little wary of attending weddings. Not that I don't believe in love and weddings but a marriage take a lot and a marriage is sacred in my point of view. But people have taken marriages so frivolously. Sure, there's no guarantee that every wedding that I attend will turn out to be a great marriage. But there's always hope that the love will remain strong and sweet. However, sometimes it is not so. Recently, I heard from a friend that another friend's marriage broke up out of the blue because the husband met someone else. I wonder how can the wife not know that her husband was unfaithful? Did she not see the signs? And how apt that Karina gave me a book on marriage and I started reading it. And in the book, the author wrote that, there will always be signs that the marriage has cracks. It's almost never a break up out of the blue.

Sorry, Iris, I'm really not discouraging you and Colin, I'm really glad for the both of you because your love is based on a firm foundation of Christ. You both have a common goal, which is to glorify, love and serve God for the rest of your lives. And yes, I really love 'love stories' like yours and Colin. It reminds me of Babe and me. Reminds me that there's really true love. Can't wait to attend your wedding!

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