Saturday, July 14, 2007

Losing Touch with Reality

We moved and am very settled into our place. Very settled, unpacked all our stuff in like record time! Almost could not believe myself. Well, there are only 2 simple and basic reasons why I did the unpacking in record time.

The reasons are.....We have not internet connection and cable!!! Yes....I'm losing touch with what I've perceive for the longest time is my reality! No internet and no cable!!! Can you believe that? I almost died when I was told by the company that I couldn't get the services till end of Aug! I was like what am I suppose to do? I will die.....and then it turned to anger and fury that the company could not provide me the services. First, conversation with them was ok...then it turned to anger, then fury and was like ya, sure, whatever.... Anyway, let's not well on the happiness and madness.

Last night, for the longest time, we went for a movie. There was nothing to watch on telly anymore. We caught Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. Loved the movie. Got home, Babe cooked dinner and we finally in the longest time spent some quality time with each other and Happy. I also managed to do some work that had been pending for the longest time. Isn't it an irony that when we get a large telly, probably, one of the largest, we'll ever get, there's nothing that we can watch on it. There are times that I felt very starved for information and for news and there was this need that I wanted more telly and more internet. But now, without them, I've returned to my books. Re-reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince again.

It is strange how when I thought that I lost my sense of reality, I find it back in something else, real reality. Life is that way isn't it? You win some, you lost some....In the end, it's all even stevens!

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