Thursday, June 30, 2011

Josias is Not Lucky to Have Us as Parents

Very often we get people who comment or tell us that Josias is very lucky to have us as parents. And very often we tell them, no, he's not lucky to have us as parents. And quite often, they give us the bewildered look.

The truth of the matter is that we are blessed (I refused to use the word lucky because I don't believe in luck). When Josias' birth mum decided that she was going to give Josias up for adoption, there were lots of couples like us that are waiting for a child to be matched with them. We met and know a few couples that are waiting to be matched and they are all wonderful people. They are like us, they are able to provide him with a loving home and be able to provide financially for him too. So in other words, there's nothing special about us. He can be blessed (lucky) as much as being in another family. They might be even be able to provide more financially to him. Maybe in another family, the mum is a stay at home mum who is able to send him to every conceivable playgroup, class or what not? So what's so blessed about us?

Nothing, and that's the bottom line. Nothing, there's nothing so special or blessed about us that we're doing for him. But rather, we are totally blessed by him. Through him, we have learnt so much. He has taught us patience, perseverance, persistence and he has taught us meekness, humbleness and a whole bunch of things. There are days that I just want to jump out of bed and give him a big hug and tell him that we're so blessed that God has chosen his to be his parents. It is such a privilege. And we are truly humbled with such a privilege.

Today marks six months since Josias arrived in our household. We have never regretted one bit. Sure, there are days that we wonder if we will make good parents, and yes, we still wonder about that, and there are days that we ask ourselves, are we doing right by him? We don't want to raise a spoilt child but at the same time, we don't want to over discipline him too. It's a fine line. But our prayer for him, is for him to grow up to be a fine Christian. That's all, because I believe that if he grows up to be a man after God's heart, everything else will fall into place.

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