Friday, June 15, 2012

Dear Ba Ba

Dear Ba Ba,

I know that you miss Dada very much. He's in Tokyo and just one more night, he'll be home. It's hard to explain to you that Dada is in Tokyo so Mama just makes the airplane sign for you. Hopefully when you get a little older you'll understand. Yes, sometimes Dada travels a little more than he likes and Mama misses him heaps too.

Baba, as Father's Day draws nearer, Mama is writing you this letter to encourage you to grow up to be like your Dada. Some twenty years ago, Mama fell in love with Dada and some ten years ago, Dada and Mama got married. Mama is ever so thankful that after all these years, Mama is still in love with Dada. That's why Mama wants you to be like Dada. Sure, Dada has his flaws but even his flaws are sometimes endearing.

Here are some of the reasons why Mama still loves Dada after all these years.

1) Dada is Dada. He does not pretend or try to be someone else. Dada doesn't care if someone or some people don't like him. He is the way he is. And therefore he does not care to pretend to be someone else and if he doesn't like someone, he doesn't try or pretend to like that person. In other words, Dada is true to himself. There have been times that Dada realized that he does not agree with the company that he works for. Instead of pretending and going along with everyone, he walked away. This is despite the fact that he knew that if he stayed on in the company, he would have been promoted and well have a nice raise in salary but he didn't care for that.

2) Dada is a responsible man. Yes, he's very responsible. Ever since Dada and Mama started dating, Dada has paid for maybe ninety five percent of the meals that we have had because he feels that it's his responsibility to do that. Dada is a firm believer in bringing home the bacon. There were a few months of our marriage life that Dada took time off but before he did that, he told grandpa what he was going to do and seek his blessing and Mama's blessings before doing that. And Mama was even more in love with Dada because it showed Mama how much Dada treasure and love her. Ba Ba, be like Dada, be responsible and bring home the bacon for your future family.

3) Until death do us part. This is probably one of the most important thing trait that Mama loves about Dada. Ba Ba in every marriage there are ups and downs. Yes, that's the brutal truth. And it's these downs that give us the ups in the marriage. In every down in our marriage, Dada has always been patient in walking with Mama holding her hand. For richer and for poorer and in sickness and in health,   until death do us part. Yes, we have been richer and poorer and Dada and Mama stood side by side holding each other's hands tightly. In sickness and in health, when Dada had issues with his eyes and well, when Mama had her lasik or her myriad of little health issues, we stood firm together hold hands knowing that all these would pass and we will emerge stronger because God is watching over us.

4) Faith, yes Dada married Faith! Sorry, corny joke. Dada and Mama met in church and we share the same faith. That is so important for Mama. There have been times in the marriage that Mama's faith in God faltered due to varied reasons but Dada was there to walk Mama through those times. And faith is also important in our marriage. It's not often in a marriage that the wife flies off for two or three weeks for a vacation. But Dada allowed Mama to do that quite often before you arrived. He gave Mama the liberty to fly off to see your godma. And he also willing let Mama go do her masters in Sydney. And in return, Mama never called Dada when he was working in the alcohol industry visiting seedy bars because Mama has faith in Dada that he would never do anything that would make Mama sad. Mama also never calls Dada whenever he's away on his work trips because Mama again has faith that Dada is working and that he should be given peace to complete what he has to do and he would never do anything to jeopardize the marriage.

5) Love. Babe as you get older you'll understand that it's not easy to love Mama. Mama has lots of flaws, idiosyncrasies, quirks and well, in short, Mama is not an easy person to love. But Dada made the huge effort to love Mama. Dada is not the romantic kinda person that would go out and buy flowers and do these nice romantic gestures. Dada is a practical kind of person. He shows his love to Mama in practical ways. He buys or cooks Mama's favourite food. Sometimes when we're out shopping and Mama walks into a boutique and sees a bag, Dada on a whim would buy Mama that bag. And Mama has probably accumulated more bags that she can really use and more clothes that she can really wear but Dada still buys her stuff. When we first got married, Mama told Dada that on our 10th wedding anniversary, she would like a one carat diamond ring. Dada listened and he remembered. And before our 8th wedding anniversary Dada bought Mama one that's like 1.44 carat. Well, bigger than what Mama asked for. Wait, Ba Ba, Mama is not saying that love can be bought. But when you love someone, you want the best for someone. And you try to do within your means to give someone the best that you can afford. And Dada does that all the time and that's why Mama loves Dada heaps. Dada listens and although sometimes it may not seem that he's listening but he listens to what Mama would like and want and then he sometimes get it for Mama.

Ba Ba, Mama can go on and list more of Dada's attributes. But she's going to stop here. Saving the rest for another letter to you. The attributes are not written in order of importance or preference. They are attributes that came to Mama's mind as she wrote. Baba, Mama would be so happy if you grow up and marry your best friend and become the daddy that Dada is to you. Dada tries hard to come home early to hang out with you before you go to bed. He tries to be as hands on as possible with you. And the traveling bit. Dada honestly does not like to travel that much as it takes time away from us. And he hates it even more when traveling eats into his weekend, like this trip. But understand that its his job and he is trying to execute his job well. He misses you more than you'll ever understand and know. Little Ba Ba, it brings joy to Mama whenever we have family and friends that say that you're growing up to be like Dada. I know that we're not biologically related and it's always a joy to hear that you're like us in looks or mannerisms.

We love you, Ba Ba and will always love you!


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