Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Am I Happy in Hong Kong?

Was talking to Eve yesterday and she asked me that question. Eve moved from Sydney to San Diego around the same time that I made my move to Hong Kong. In a way, we're going through similar situations. When she asked me that question, I paused and thought for a while. And I said to her....I don't know.

What did I mean when I said I don't know? To be honest, I really don't. Happiness is relative. Sure in terms of work, salary, stress and others, I'm happy in Hong Kong. There are sacrifices that I had to make like leaving my dog, my family and friends behind. But if I'm asked if I want to go back to Spore, I wouldn't want to. But I told Eve that if I had things my own way, I would want to live in Sydney. I think I'll be happier there. But the reality is, what about jobs and renting in Sydney? I don't want to live in some faraway place in Sydney. Rents in Sydney is not cheap as well. Plus, Eve does not live in Sydney now and things may not be the same.

But when I thought further, what we perceive as happiness may not be what happiness is really. I mean, imagine if we did move to Sydney, will I be truly happy there? Or would it be in a situation that if I could move to somewhere else I may be happy? Happy is pretty elusive at times, isn't it? My ideal place...it would be nice living in the same country with Eve.....We could hang out all the time. Miss her heaps and heaps!

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