Monday, January 08, 2007

A Week into 2007

I'm not sure if age plays a factor but days seem to just go by and half the time, I'm in a daze. And without a blink of an eye, a week has passed. Days pass too fast and I'm getting old!!! Wrinkles showing soon.

Been trying to blog but for some reason, I can't seem to get onto blogspot. This year started pretty well. Came back to HK on 2nd Jan and on 3rd Jan, I went to Shenzhen with a new American friend from Geoexpat. Kris is pretty new in HK and I was glad to have made friends with her. I believe that God sends people to us for reasons. Sometimes is for us to be a blessing to them and sometimes is for them to be a blessing to us. Either way, it's nice meeting her.

HK has been pretty cold since we got back. The cold is really getting to me. I guess maybe I'm not used to so much cold at a go. Not sure if that makes sense. This weekend has been around 10 degrees and where we live, it's probably 8 degrees. Freezing....As much as I'm tempted to get another coat...I'm telling myself to refrain from shopping....Learn to

Last night before I went to bed, got a sms from Stan. He's got his wedding date sorted out and he's getting married on the 18 and 19 August weekend. I'm really excited for him. Have to try to lose weight for his wedding...Really exciting. Pray that God will bless them.

Talking about marriage, how do people really view marriage? I try to believe it as one in my lifetime and WK is my one and only. Sometimes is hard...Gosh, bloody freaking hard when I've my own thoughts and ideas and when he has his and we clash, or rather I get into a crazy stubborn streak and want to give up on everything and take the easy way out. But WK remains calm and try his hardest to calm me down.

A marriage is always hard. Well, met this girl and she came to HK with hope of saving her marriage. She told me that she was married to this guy, and then 3 years down the road, he wanted out and she gave in and then he courted her back and got remarried and now 3 months later, he wants out. And she wants to save the marriage. In the course of conversation, she mentioned that she thinks religion plays an important role in marriage. She went on saying that he does not believe in her beliefs and therefore it's hard to see from both points of views. I agree. Totally agree and I'm glad to have married a fellow Christian. It can be hard not seeing the same points of view and giving up on a marriage easily. Pray that they will work it out.

Work is good, a little slow sort of for these couple of days. Am enjoying its pace for the moment...things will probably start gaining its momentum soon.

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