Being a little busy and that's why I haven't had the time to blog. Have friends in town staying with us too. Little Ashton has been busy entertaining us with his antics at home. Met my little ex-student Dexter on Tuesday as well. Dexter and his family are in HK for a holiday. Used to work with Dexter's dad as well. Nice to have friends around too.
I've been asked to produce Christmas booklets for Primary 4 to 6. Last year, the students had 'The Grinch' and the year before 'The Snowman' and this year, I purposefully chose the 'Nativity' theme. The wonderful thing about working in a Christian school is being able to bring the story of Jesus to the kids upfront. There isn't a need to be sneaky about it.
While I was doing the Christmas booklets, there was a question at the back of my mind. What does Christmas mean to me? I remember as kids when we were living in Pandan Gardens on the 12th floor, dad and mum would give us the Santa Claus story which we as kids took it in. They told us that Santa would come in his sleigh and drop off our Christmas presents through the windows on our beds. Of course I believed and then we started going for Sunday School and Santa was quashed to pulp! Haha...crushed like a cockroach...But actually I still like the jolly red and fat man! Dad and mum without fail, every Christmas, would have a huge eating session. Think I've only missed Christmas once in Spore. It was my last year at uni and after that, I made such that every Christmas I'll back in Spore.
About 4 years ago, WK and me were honeymooning in States nearing Christmas time. To me, at that point, it was really magically. We were in Disneyland, taking rides, sipping hot chocolates, eating churros, listening to Christmas carols and when we went to Lake Tahoe, we saw snow and I was even happier. It was like the song..."I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...." Love the warm and fuzzy feeling that Christmas brings.
But coming back to my question, what does Christmas truly mean? The school is decked with Christmas decorations. There's even a Christmas tree and 2 reindeer downstairs. The apartment that we live in, has a Christmas tree in the lobby. Every mall in HK is dress in its Christmas best. But with the decorations, is the a hint of the birth of Christ? I remember reading in Today's papers, a reader wrote in and commented that the Christmas decorations in Orchard Road in Spore had nothing mentioned about Christ's birth. Was at Tiffany's last night getting WK his belated anniversary present and the store had 'Happy Holidays' What's 'Happy Holidays'? Where is Christ in all the pomp and celebrations? Is He forgotten? Sad, huh? It just gets to me that people just celebrate Christmas for the sake of celebrating it. Christmas....Take away the word Christ from Christmas and you'll get mas which means men are sinners....That's what Uncle John (Elder John Chew) told us when we were kids.
Of all the festivals, I love Christmas the most. Christ came to earth more than 2000 years ago to save me....yes, me....And of course Christmas means a great deal to me! I love buying presents for family and friends. No, that I've heaps of money...but if God is so giving to send His only begotten Son to earth to save us, what is a small present for my family and friends to thank them for their love towards me for the year? Christmas is a season of giving just as God taking the lead of giving His Son for me and YOU!!! Yes, you!
As Christmas is towards the end of the year, it is also a time of reflecting for me. I have a huge tendency to take stock of my life and wonder what have I done for the year and have I somewhat lived a good year. However, I am ashamed to say that when I take stock of my life, I do not seem to take stock of my spiritual life. My stock taking is always about, what have I achieved for the year. Yes, I have to admit that it is so lame. I celebrate my earthly achievements and lament on my earthly failures and then I tell myself to do better next year. I can be very hard on myself on the lack of achievements and the failures that I've had for the year. This year, is a wake call for me. What about my spiritual life? Where am I going? What have I done for the Lord? When was the last time that I took stock of my spiritual life? Why am I so concern about earthly things and not on heavenly things. Where am I building my life? Is it on earth on in heaven?
So readers as you go about celebrating Christmas, don't forget why are you truly celebrating Christmas. And it's 22 days before we head home for Christmas.....This time' I'm dreaming of a hot Christmas, with lots of satay and yummy food'.
P.S. WK and I need your prayers as we pray and ask God for direction for the coming year. Don't worry, we're fine but at this point of time, we just need directions from God to see what is His plans for us in the next year or so. I guess it is getting daunting for WK to learn to put total trust and faith in God. He's never been really in this position before thus, it's lots harder for him to realise and have the assurance and belief that our heavenly Father will take care of our needs.