Got to Dongguan and saw grandma. It was nice to see her. She seemed to have shrunk a little and it was true. Apparently this is due to old age. Brought her out for dinner and chatted with her. But grandma's memory seemed to be lapsing. Her short term memory is bad, real bad. We kept having to repeat stuff to her. The lady next to grandma on her left, is mum's cousin. Mum obviously is in the one clad in pink shawl. Mum's cousin has been faithfully taking care of grandma without asking for anything in return and it's really nice to realise that in the midst of all the greed in the world, there is this lady who takes great care of grandma for more than 7 or 8 years.
This morning after breakfast, we went to see grandma. Well, got to the hospital and it was incredibly crowded. I went up to the room with mum first. Went to grandma's room and was kinda shocked to find grandma not there! And then was told that she was discharged. Phew! And then Joanne came up. First thing she said, 'I've got pickpocketed.' She seemed calm and collected and then she had to make calls to cancel her credit cards. The way I see it, well, maybe someone really needed the money and had to take hers. No point being mad with the person who took it. Went to grandma's place, found her and sat and chatted with her.
A sniplet of conversation with grandma
Grandma: Where is ayi (mum's sister) living now?
Mum: At 66 Chiselhurst.
Grandma: Oh, so who stays at Conway?
Mum: Seah, you know, brother's friend?
Grandma: Oh yes. Jasmine, you working in Hong Kong now?
me: Oh yes, working in Hong Kong now.
Grandma: So where's Ayi living now? Is she back in Singapore?
Mum: Ya, she back in Singapore living in 66 Chiselhurst.
Grandma: Oh really?
Joanne: Je, you see, grandma's short term memory is bad, huh?
Grandma: So, ayi is back in Singapore? Where is she living?
Mum: She's living in 66 Chiselhurst with Aloy. (Mum still patient)
Me: So, guess what's she's going to say next? (me playing on my phone)
Grandma: So, where's Ayi living now?
Mum, Joanne and me stilfing our laugher, controlling, snorting, making strange noises.
Mum: I need to get to the bathroom. (We heard her laughter from the toilet)
Joanne roaring into laughter.
Grandma: Why's everyone laughing? What's so funny?
Me: Because you asked for the 3 or 4th time the same question (laughing and trying so hard to keep straight face)
Grandma: Sorry, hahaha, see I told you, I've bad memory.
I took this picture of grandma and grandpa. There are times that I forget how grandpa look like. I was telling Joanne that it pays to be the eldest because I've memories of grandpa, playing in the backyard of their house, talking to him and just being around him. When he died, I was 10. Grandma told me that grandpa used to work for NUS and he always wondered if his grandchildren would go to NUS. Well, grandpa, they did. Joanne and Alwin did. But the rest of us went overseas. Grandpa was probably the first person that imprinted in my head that education is very important. There are times that I wish that grandpa didn't leave so early. I wished that I had a couple of years more with him. I wanted him to see that his adopted daughter, mum, did him proud by raising 3 daughters who are graduates despite the difficulties that she had in life. I remember once grandma spotted an animal stuck in between her flowerpots. She thought it was a cat and she hit it. And it started squealing and squealing. Grandpa ran out and told her that it was a guniea pig. I guess that must have been when my love for guinea pigs started.
As I sat in the car on the way home, my thoughts turn to grandma. It's like she's on borrowed time. How long more does she have with us? On one hand, I don't want her to go but she misses grandpa very much. Grandma told us today that she's been to Rome, Scotland, London and lots more places with grandpa. They had a wonderful loving relationship. Her memory is lapsing and I wonder how much more time does she have? I wonder if she's happy. I must say that even when I was living in Singapore, I probably saw grandma more than Ah Ma, dad's mum. Even Joanne agreed that it's the same with her. And often I wonder if the last time that I see her, will that be the real last time?