So last Saturday while waiting for Babe at a shopping mall, I came across this book in a bookstore and it was screaming out, buy me! Plus, it was 20 percent off. Who can resist a good deal. So well, I bought and read it. A writer asked to write his rabbi's eulogy and his experiences with a inner city church in Detroit and the pastor of the church. I don't care what people say but I do look at Judaism with respect not putting down Jews or persecuting them because it is written in the bible that they are the chosen people, God's people. So when I read the book, I read it carefully understanding what the rabbi and I was almost in awe of this man. He put some stuff in perspective. And I was even more blown away by the pastor in Detroit. He had a sinful past but he made a 180 degrees turn around and he strongly believes that God placed him to work amongst the poor and like God not turning His back on the pastor, he never turned his back on his congregation no matter how difficult it gets and no matter how cold the church becomes because of the lack of heating.
Every day, it becomes more apparent to me that God is working in me that ways I never really know. Each time when my faith begins to wane or is tested or when I find myself giving up, God sends little signs to me. After reading the book, I was left with the thought that yes, have a little faith that God will see us through everything. He has provided everything thus far. Well, not just everything but beyond everything. So why should I question Him?
A couple of weeks ago when I was in church I heard this saying, 'God is always on time but if He could be earlier, it'll be great.' Yes, it'll be great. But that's in our humanistic point of view. I often wonder if things would have been different if Babe and I got married earlier. Would we have in the same place as we are now? Or would we be divorced and bitter? Yes, God's timing is perfect. For the longest time, I've been praying for the child that we've been praying for be matched to us. To date, this has been our longest prayer request. A few weeks ago, it hit me. God was trying to tell me that He knows that we were not ready. And I began to see why. Yes, the truth is that we were not ready. More specifically, we were not ready to be parents spiritually. And God was moulding and convicting us to be better Christians so that we can be better parents to bring up our children in His love and guidance. And we He knows that we are ready, our child will be matched to us.
So there you go, the wait is not in vain. Nothing is ever in vain because I know the person that held yesterday and holds today and tomorrow is the person that is holding our hands throughout our journey and in His time, He will make all things beautiful. Call me an optimist but I don't care because my hope is in God!
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