Friday, September 17, 2010

Issac and Goliath

Yes, you read it correctly, it's Issac and Goliath and not David and Goliath. A couple days ago, Josiah, a childhood friend of mine from my home church in Singapore wrote this on his facebook's status,' Before you ask God to help slay your Goliaths, sacrifice your Issacs on the alter.'

I mulled over what he wrote for a couple of days and I was almost blown away. Isn't that true? We want God to take away our tests, trials and tribulations which are our Goliaths but at the same time are we willing to sacrifice our Issacs? I always love the story of Isaac. Abraham and Sarah prayed for years and years for a child and it was when the both of them were past 100 years old that Isaac was born. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, he brought Isaac to the alter. I'm sure on the way to the alter, Abraham must have fought an internal battle with himself. But when it came to the crunch, he was willing to put Isaac on the alter. His only son and God promised him that he'll have as many children as the stars in the sky. What must have gone through his head when he laid Isaac on the alter. But his willingness to sacrifice Isaac gave him much blessings later on in his life.

Its the same story with Hannah. She prayed and pray for a child and she told God that she will return him back to Him. And true enough, she conceived a child and then when it was time, she brought Samuel back to God and Samuel grew up to be a great man of God and Hannah was blessed with more kids.

The question I had in my mind, would I be really willing to sacrifice the one thing that I love to have my Goliaths slayed? Recently, we we posed with such a question. Would we be willing to give up money, most specifically, one income so that we can both be in the same country? We prayed and asked God for His direction and the answer was clear. Give up that one income. We obeyed and did. And now, we are seeing His blessings upon us. I'll write about it in time to come.

Thanks Josiah for putting that up on your status. Brought a nice and gentle reminder to me.

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