Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I like celebrating Thanksgiving. I think Hong Kong and Singapore should adopt this American festival rather than the mindless (in my opinion) Halloween. Why celebrate scaring each other and scoffing down loads of candies? I just don't see it. Okay, maybe there's a bigger picture to Halloween but seriously, I don't really care.

So coming back to Thanksgiving. I'm glad that even my family in Singapore is taking time to celebrate Thanksgiving. I was speaking to mum last night and she was telling me that she's planning a Thanksgiving dinner. The first in our home. Bummer that we can't head home for Thanksgiving. Well, food might be a little different, it was too late for her to score a turkey but who cares.

Babe and me normally have dinner together and last year was extra special that my family was here. This Thanksgiving, we're spending with our cell group tonight and tomorrow, we're having dinner with some of our Canadian and American friends and friends from all over the world.

I know I should be more thankful and grateful but I admit that there are times that I take things for granted and demand more from God. And there are times that I forget to take a step back and think of the bountiful blessings that has been showered upon me. I've got a loving and supportive husband, wonderful parents, superb sisters, cute JC, silly and funny brother in law, 4 best friends (yes, 4 best friends), loving friends in Hong Kong. And the list is endless. We have a nice apartment in HK. And we're moving to a bigger place in about 3 weeks' time. Yes, honestly, life is good. Looking at the big picture, there's nothing that I can complain about. So when life gets the better of me, I need to press on the pulse button and stop, think of all the wonderful people and things that God has placed in my life.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving. And remember to stop and be thankful!

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