Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Moving On

I must admit that I don't always check my gmail email account. I'd check it once every couple of days. So last Thursday, I decided that it's time to check my gmail account and I did and boy did I get a rude shock.

My landlord has decided that since our lease has ended, he's going to raise our rent by thirty percent. My initial reaction, thirty percent? Which industry had a thirty percent of salary increment? Madness! Without even bothering to check out any apartments, I texted Babe and told him that we're moving. So replied the email and told him that we're moving. Almost added, do you think we are idiots? But thought, look, he can do whatever he wants to and I'll just move. I've got nothing to lose but rather's he got more to lose than me.

So on Friday after work and running errands, part 1 of apartment hunting started. I went to look at five apartments without Babe as he was still at work. Out of the five, I liked two. Then part 2 of apartment hunting came when Babe came back from work and we went to look at three. And again, we liked one. So we called the other agent and told her to bring us to see the other two again before we decide. Was told that one was not going to work out because the landlord refused to lower rent. So it was settled, we went to see the one I liked and then it was time to decide. Before we went to look at the apartment again on Saturday, we prayed and asked God to bring us to the right apartment for us.

To cut the long story short, the two that was shortlisted came down to one and we both felt, yes, that's the one. It was a close competition because we liked both. So we talked about it and agreed that the one that comes back first will be the one. So yes, we're now going to pay less than what our landlord demanded but a bigger place. And we not only have two toilets but we have three now! Including the helper's room. And it's fully furnished too. We really could not asked for more. God has been gracious.

The reality was that, Thursday, was a tough day. In the first place, I was kinda disappointed that the adoption match didn't happen. So I thought, fine, no baby but at least I can look forward to spending Christmas in Singapore with family and friends. Then news from the landlord and I thought, now this sucks! No trip home because we have to move over Christmas. And I had to stay at work late. To a certain extent, it was a frustrating day. However, when Friday rolled along, I felt a little relieved that yes, there are apartments out there in our budget range and it was bigger too. Then on Saturday, we really saw God's hands in putting the bits and pieces together. And on Sunday at church, I knew that God has a purpose for everything and maybe there are many things that I don't understand and may not even understand in the future but I just have to trust God that all will be well.

Yes, lessons learnt and every day is always a learning process. I have to be reminded to look at His blessings and His hands in our lives rather than asking why. So the operation 'move again' is starting soon. Time to pack and move again!

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