Saturday, January 14, 2012

Time for Ba Ba to Start School

So it's finally time for little Ba Ba to start school. It's not something that I'm looking forward to. I dragged my feet with the application process till finally this week, I could no longer put it off any longer that I went to the kindy and dropped off the application.

When I dropped off the application, I wasn't surprised that I was told that little Ba Ba has to attend an interview. But still, I wasn't ready for him to deal with the stress of attending school at such a young age and the stress of the interview. At the back of my head, I was what if he fails the interview? How would he feel? I don't care if he fails the interview. But then again, he wouldn't know that he failed the interview, right? Because he's too young to understand.

Anyway, I had the conversation with Babe. We'll just apply for one kindy and if it doesn't work out with that kindy, we'll just keep him home for another year. And a year later then apply for a couple other kindies that we have in mind. We like having little Ba Ba at home. Currently, he goes to a couple of playgroups and he spends the rest of the time playing at home and we are happy with what he does.

On the topic of education, I want little Ba Ba to have a childhood. I want him to enjoy school and not be stressed up by trying to get all As. To me, I want him to look back and remember that he had an enjoyable childhood and no matter what his academic results were as long as he tried his best, his parents love him. Yes, education is important but character development is more important. So what if he aced throughout his education but he doesn't have morals and he turned out to be a crook. I'd rather him be a mediocre student and have a simple job but he's a moral man. Yes, you might think that I'm naive to think that way but that's what I really want for little Ba Ba.

So little Ba Ba, all Ma Ma wants for you is to be a God fearing man and that's all that matters.

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