Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Ba Ba Thus Far

So Ba Ba didn't make it through the kindy interview. Well, not that I was really expecting that he was going to make it through. He can hardly speak at this stage so I wasn't really expecting him to pass the interview. Was I upset? No, to be honest. In some ways, I'm glad that he didn't make it through the interview as it would give us a chance for him to stay at home for another year. And I can continue to pick and choose the playgroups or classes that I would like him to go to. So it isn't that bad. And we can still go on holidays whenever we want to without having to pull him out of school. So it's still all good.

A few weeks ago, I was at the pediatrician with little Ba Ba and I was checking with him about little Ba Ba's speech development. Little Ba Ba is not speaking as much as we would him to. And I also mentioned about him attending his kindy interview. So the pediatrician told me that Ba Ba is developing fine. Yes, he's not speaking as much but his comprehension skills are pretty good and in his opinion, he's slightly above average. Sure, I beamed. Every parent thinks that their kid is the smartest! And he proceeded to say that if the kindy does not want him, then that kindy is not suitable for him and they are the ones losing out. I smiled and told him that I hope that he's not just flattering or consoling me.

But when I thought more about it, yes, he makes sense. If kindy rejects, that's fine. I'm not going to call and beg. Will just look for another kindy or keep him at home. And that's it. Well, enjoy a couple pics of little Ba Ba.

Little Ba Ba's first ride in Disneyland.
Little Ba Ba's first Christmas parade.
Little Ba Ba looking super tired.
Little Ba Ba and Jojo hanging out at Christmas break.
Trying to keep little Ba Ba still at Sunday School class in Singapore.
At Maccas before church during Chinese New Year break
Hanging out with his fav cousin, Jojo.
Sharing snacks with Jojo at Pan Pacific's hotel room.Da Da reading him a book
Hanging out with Da Da's grandma.
Time for the beach.
Hanging out with Ma Ma at the beach.
Making pucker faces with Ma Ma
Da Da pondering hard about life and little Ba Ba posing for Ma Ma at the Ma Wan Park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is SO cute, and SO awesome! i luv it! ;))