Friday, April 27, 2012

Three Little Boys

Once a upon a time, there were three little boys. Well, the reality of it, they were not born into the most ideal family. They were kinda raised in a broken family but as broken as it was and is, everyone around them tried their hardest to make it as workable as possible for them.

When the three little boys were younger, I was in Singapore and I would try to bring them out, hang out with them and try to be as involved as possible without intruding too much into their lives. The three boys were our page boys. When we got our apartment in Singapore, we would try to bring the three boys over to our place. As time passed, things became a little difficult at home for the three little boys and their aunty offered to bring the oldest little boy to America but, over time, the oldest boy returned to Singapore. At some point, my family offered to take in the youngest little boy but well, a year later, the youngest little boy went home too. By then I was studying in Australia and over time, I left for Hong Kong too.

So as time passed, the oldest little boy got into trouble and then the youngest little boy got into trouble too. Yes, there were heartbreaks and heartaches and extended family tried to help and then help disappeared and it came to a point that well, things got a little out of hand and we're not even sure how to help the two little boys. But to me, the middle little boy was okay, so I thought. He carried on in school without much trouble to his family. He did alright in school, sort of. Manage to get through his N levels and from what I thought, he seemed fine.

Then, the other shoe dropped. It dropped bloody loud. Dropped so loud that it's breaking so so many people's hearts and honestly, I don't know what to do and how to help other than to pray real hard that senses would creep back into middle boy's head. He wants to drop out of school six months before his O levels. He wouldn't listen to anyone. I sent messages to him but he seemed to have made up his mind. My heart bleeds for him and I'm sad. Very sad.

Little middle boy, I love you. That's all I can say. You don't know how much sadness you're bringing to everyone. You don't know the pain that you're inflicting on people that love you so much. But whatever it is, I still love you.

This goes to all three little boys. Yes, there have been many mistakes that you've made. I watched you boys grow up. Sure, life hasn't been fair to you but you know, life is never fair. It wasn't fair to me too but I used those had situations and circumstances to help me grow and I'm still growing. I'm sorry that I've not been very available to you but just remember that I'm just a whatsapp message or Facebook away. Let me know how we can help or share your problems with us. We love you heaps.

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