Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Home Church

So after church on Sunday, I felt that maybe I did disservice to my home church. The Holy Spirit must have prompted me that maybe I wasn't that fair. When I reflected upon it, yes, it's true. I do have lots of memories of my home church.

I met Babe in our home church when I was 15. If it was not for our home church, we wouldn't have met each other. We are quite different in many ways. I did have many mentors there. One of my mentors, Adrian, went home to the Lord quite a few years ago. He was the brother that I never had. I met my best friend, Stanley in our home church too. We met when we were six years old and till now we're still really close. He kindly agreed to be our referee for Josias and when he was told that Josias arrived, he wanted to be his godpa. Vey touched by it. But Stan no longer attends our home church now.

I had one of my best times in my life in Galilee. I remember once Babe and I were talking about best times in life and I told him being in Youth Fellowship was one of it. It was something that I looked forward to very much. There was love, support, friendship and till now, I look back at those days with memories. Lots and lots of happy memories.

But sometimes I wonder what went wrong with me? Why does it sometimes seems familiarly and yet oddly strange to head back to our home church? And I look and wonder, the physical church is still there. But the people that I used to hang out with are no longer there. And I wonder what is the church really made up of? Is it the building or the people? Or what's the priority of the people that attend church? And that includes me. The truth of the matter, I don't know. And I wonder, maybe the fault lies with me. We have been in and out of Singapore far too much and often for people to really keep track of who and where we are. It was funny once when someone told mum that he didn't know that Babe and I live in HK. He was saying that he sees us quite often in church. Mum was like, errrr, they come home for visits you know?

Anyway, what I wanted to say is, I still love my home church for what it has given me. My faith, trust and love in God. I learnt heaps as a teen there. But over the years, people move on and am I trying to hold on to what I thought was wonderful and refusing to let go? I don't know. While we still live in HK, our home church will still remain as our home church. But at the same time, we have to pray for God's direction in coming years.

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