Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tiger Mum

So.....I've realised that I've become a tiger mum. Technically, I'm allowed to be a tiger mum since I'm born in the year of the tiger and Cha Cha is a tiger cub because he's born in the year of the tiger too. Anyway, coming back to being tiger mum. I realised that I've become one when I noticed that I've been researching numerous amount of things for little Cha Cha. And the research online never ends.

First thing I did was to look and email party planners and restaurants in Singapore for Cha Cha's 1st birthday party. You might think, what's so tiger mum about that right? Well, I started planning like in Feb when his birthday is in Aug! And then with the emails, it goes back and forth till it's like 20 or 30 emails long. And well, we haven't really decided on the venue or restaurant yet. It's still pending.

Now, the real claws of the tiger mum shows. I've been looking at playgroups and playgroups and emailing a couple of people that I know. So on the 9th, Cha Cha is attending his first playgroup. It's going to be fun. And after the research on playgroups, the research on his kindy started. I would surf and search and then compare and then research more and then talk to Babe who honestly, is not really into it because he knows that this tiger mum is really into her research and he nods in agreement unless it's something ridiculous. Academics aside, I started to look at Soccertots, maybe music lessons, and tennis lessons, oh, what about swimming too?

I know what you're thinking, he can't even walk right? That's right. He's crawling, lifting his big milk gut belly off the ground and trying to stand. And I'm thinking of all these classes? That's right. Oh, maybe he can learn how to play the guitar too and give Noel Gallagher a run for his money! What about ice-skating? It'll be a good sport too.

But at the end of the day, I take a deep breath and I ponder, have I asked God what's His will for little Cha Cha? And where is God in the midst of all these classes and pushing him ahead? Have I forgotten that little Cha Cha is only on loan for us from God. And God is the rightful owner of Cha Cha. Shouldn't we be praying and asking for God's wisdom? I'm thankful for Babe. I'm thankful that he's the calm one and he's not the one that gets into the frenzy of educating Cha Cha. I need perspective. I need to understand that if God calls Cha Cha into the middle of Africa or China or to Siberia, we must let him go because he is a child of God and we're just merely stewards of Cha Cha.

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