Friday, March 09, 2007

Be a Stay at Home Wife?

No, no readers, I'm not about to be a stay at home wife. For starters, my babe, which is WK, can't bloody afford me! He said that I'm too expensive to be kept at home. I'll turn him broke and bankrupt! And in his own words, I shouldn't have studied so much. I would be a complete waste!

I had dinner with ladies from Geoexpat last night. I enjoy having these dinners as I get to meet new people and it broadens my circle of friends. And yes, it can get a little lonely in HK at times. I met this Sporean girl who is a stay at home wife. Her husband works and she basically does not work. One of the first things I said, aren't you bored at home. And then the next thing I said, I wish at times, I could just be a stay at home wife too.

But when I thought about it more on the way home. I realised that I won't be able to do it. I remember times during the holidays that I feel so bored and can't wait to get back to work. And I know that I'll miss the financial independence too. I've been way too financially independent for a long time to start taking money from someone else. And the other issue, I'll miss the intellectual stimulation. Even at work at times, I don't feel myself intellectually stimulated and what more about staying at home. And I guess, at the end of the day, it would take a lot for me to stay at home. Honestly, I hate cleaning! I don't mind cooking. I'm hopeless at ironing. Basically, I'll make a hopeless stay at home wife. So in conclusion, for the moment, I'd rather work. But hopefully, in about 10 years' time, which is my goal, I'll be able to work for a non for profit organization, working with children.

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