Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Year so Far

So this is already the 4th of Jan. Time kinda flies doesn't it? How do I like my year so far? Well, not really complaining.

Mum arrived on the 1st for a short vacation. Guess she's liking it so far. But then again, maybe not. Will have to ask her later. Babe left for his work work trip of the year this morning too. He'll be back on Friday. Me, I'm back at work. Not really complaining. I've gotten to know some of my colleagues and actually find coming to work sometimes enjoyable. And yes, I look forward to having little chit chats with them and the students.

I didn't make any resolutions for the new year. Or rather, have not been making them because why do I need to wait for a new year to make a change in my life. If I think changes should be made, I'll make it there and then. No point waiting. Well, I've not had a smoke or drink in years. So in that department, I've been good. The last year saw Babe and I learning and growing more and we've come to realise that not trusting in God would lead us in a wild goose chase like the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years. And trusting and having faith in Him makes everything fine. So motto for this year, In everything, have trust and faith in the Almighty One'.

This year, we're also looking forward to more visitors in HK. It started with mum arriving on the 1st and then Lina is coming on the 9th and then everyone in the family in late Jan, Pastor Andrew in Feb and the list goes on. It's going to be a great year because there's going to be a whole lot of trust and faith in Jesus! Have a great year ahead everyone!

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