Tuesday, February 01, 2011


When I was growing up, I hang out a lot with my cousins. My cousins are not merely my cousins, they are my closest and best friends. I loved hanging out with them and well, I still do love hanging out with them. We used to go to the playground and play till the sun set, play boardgames till one of us collapses and it was so much fun.

One of the cousins that I hung out a lot was Morgan. He was like one of my bestest pal. We used to comfort each other when we were down. As kids we had so much to talk about. I don't know where he is now. It's sad, I know. Wonder if he still reads my blog. I want him to meet little Josias.

When Jo Claire was planning to come to HK. I wonder if Jo Claire and Josias would get along. I was hoping that Jo Claire would not be jealous of him. I was hoping that she would love him and that they would have a relationship like Morgan and I when were were growing up. I was hoping that they would have a relationship that they would rely on each other.

When Dad, Mum, Joanne and Jo Claire arrived, I brought Josias to the airport to meet them. The moment Jo Claire saw Josias, she went to pat him. She wanted to see him and give him cuddles. It was precious to see that. She played with him, cuddled him, even tried too feed him. Yes, there were thoughts that maybe it's time to move home so that they'll have a close relationship. But those thoughts are for later to consider.

Anyway, it's nice to have family around. They've gone to China to visit grandma. Can't wait for them to come back. And blessed Chinese New Year to everyone!

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