Wednesday, July 11, 2007


We have been busy in the last few days. We have been busy moving. As we were moving our stuff bit by bit, it got me wondering. In the short span of 5 years being married to Babe, I or we have moved like 3 times. That's almost an average of a move every 1 and half years.

Have to say, I have a love-hate relationship with moving. I love to move because I like changes and new surroundings. But I hate moving because of the packing and cleaning. And everyone that knows me, know that I can't clean at all! The most useless cleaner around! In the midst of packing, I come to realise how much I've accumulated just over 11 months. It's like my clothes, shoes and bags have doubled ever since I arrived in HK. The mad buying is ridiculous! And this causes a huge problem. We have no space for my clothes, shoes and bags! The new apartment's wardrobe is already filled and I've still more clothes at my old apartment! This is madness!

Babe actually told me...No more buying for the next 1 yr. There is just no space! I looked at him...thinking what an idiot! I will create space and get the nice shoes and bags that I've been thinking about. But then again, what's with all these buying? Does it make me a better person? What do I get out from getting more clothes, shoes and bags? Wouldn't the money go to better use? Time for me to reflect and ponder again!

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