I remember 8 years ago waking up and getting washed up, dressed and made up and then realizing, shit! Where's my contact lens? Then the mini madness ensued. Me yelling at mum that I've lost my contact lens. Then dad shouting asking why didn't I have a spare pair. Then the call to Babe, errr.....going to late. Lost my contact lens.
Then, next scene, me sitting at the dining table with Lina, errmmmm....so how? We both broke into giggles. Mum frantically calling various people finding out where to get contacts at 10 in the morning. And finally, go to Lucky Plaza, she shouted. So off to the car we went. Lina was telling me in the car, wow, there's a flower on your ring finger. And I stared at her, what did you just say? Flower? Then I let out a yell, flowers!!! I forgot my flowers! Then called Jacqui, flowers!
Next, got to Lucky Plaza in my wedding dress, getting fitted for my contact lens and people staring at us. I laughed it off with Lina. To me, it was like a fun adventure with my bridesmaid. I didn't care. And Babe called, hmmm....you getting to the church yet? Yup, getting there, soon. And then we got to church like almost 20 mins late. The doors burst open and there I was walking down the aisle with dad. And Babe waiting for me at the end of the aisle.
We recited our vows.
For better, for worse
For richer, for poorer
In sickness and in health
To love, cherish and obey
Till death do us part
When I said my vows, I totally believed that the both of us would definitely be able to conquer anything and everything in the world just as long as we have to both of us. Well, the day we were married, we would have dated for 10 years and a day. So if we can go through that many years, what's a marriage to us?
Boy was I wrong! The first year was somewhat hard at times. It wasn't that bad. We survived it. Then the years rolled along. Babe is very supportive of everything I do. Somewhere in the 3rd year of marriage, I took off to Sydney to do my masters and he was totally supportive of it. I graduated and then in a couple months later, the opportunity to move to Hong Kong to work came, and yet again, he supported my decision. And soon he too moved to Hong Kong.
Were there moments that I thought that my marriage might be over? Yes, I'm not going to deny it. There were times I wonder how are we going to survive this? And this was hard. There was particular one incident that almost tore us apart. And I ate the huge chunk of humble pie and obeyed. But at the same time, I'm glad I did. I respected Babe and from there, the marriage grew stronger. Last December, Babe moved back to Spore to work and there were times that it was hard for me to deal with stuff on my own. During that time, it made the both of us realised that money is not everything. I'd rather have one income and have Babe with me all the time than 2 incomes and living in 2 countries.
So we took the plunge and decided one income. But God has bigger plans. Babe is working and he's been busier than ever. Our love? I would say that it's going stronger. Babe is my mirror. I look at him and he tells me gently and sometimes not so gently what's wrong. He's my fashion consultant, my career guide, my chef, my advisor. He's my everything and he's what I am not too. He fills the gaps in me and in other words, he completes me. Not that I'm not complete but he makes me even more complete. Does it make sense? If I can turn time back to 8 years ago, I'll still say the loud 'I do' and not change anything. And yup, we totally had the best time at our wedding.
Enjoy the pics of Babe and me. We don't take as many pics as we would like, and since I've moved to a macbook, I don't have many pics in my macbook. Found whatever that can be shown in public. And Babe, thanks for loving me!