Thursday, April 19, 2007

Itchy Dog = Itchy Daddy and Mummy = Mini Drama

So Happy has been itching and scratching for a while. We put it down to her just being a little dirty as we have not given her a bath since we got her. Her vet told us to hold the bath since she's still a little under the weather.

On Tuesday night, there was a sudden thunderstorm and Happy was a little spooked. I felt sorry for her and I brought her up on our bed to sleep. Boy, was she happy! In the middle of the night, WK woke up and started scratching his faces real bad and I was itchy myself too. We had no choice but to put her back on the floor. WK continued scratching and we had a bad sleep. Happy started to whine because she wanted to be on our bed.

When we got out of bed, yesterday, I was getting a little worried. Thinking, that we might have caught something from the dog. What if we got bugs, fleas, lice or goodness knows out. Asked this guy from Geoexpat online, he's a vet. He suspects that Happy might have scabies. I'm like scabies??? What on earth is scabies??? And he mentioned that we might have caught scabies from the dog too! Scabies!!!

So okie, calm down. Called her vet, well, he's like in bloody Kowloon City which is like way out there. Then decided to go the the vet that Martina brought her dog too. Well, God really works in ways that we don't know. I happened to accompany Martina to her vet last week and I thought that her vet was pretty good. So after work, went home got dog and took her on the ferry and in a cab to the vet.

Got to the vet and he went, 'Scabies, yes, scabies.' But he mentioned that dog scabies will not last very long on humans. And good news, Happy does not have distemper! Ya!! We have a healthy but itchy and scratchy dog! Called WK told him the good news and told him not to worry about his itch.

All's fine now. Happy is still itchy, WK is a little less itchy. Drama is a little over.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear your pup is not deathly ill.

Happy scratching you two/three !

sunniefaith said...

Is that you Kathy? Thank God puppy is just itchy and not dying! Hopefully in about 2 weeks or so, she should be fine.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.