Thursday, June 05, 2008


My name is Faith. I believe or suspect that I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder or Depression. I didn't really realised that I suffered from it until I went to Australia to study. Why, of course, I didn't know, Singapore doesn't really have seasons, you know? Anyway, whenever winter comes around, I have a tendency to hide and hibernate at home because it's just too depressing to go out. Maybe that's when my love for pink started. It brightened my days up. But I've gotten used to it. And winters in Gold Coast didn't really last that long. But when I was in Sydney, it did get a little bad. But I had Babe, my ray of sunshine calling me every night and Eve my other ray of sunshine living in Sydney.

But....moving to Hong Kong is strange. I don't really get SAD in winters. But it's the summers that drive me sad! It just rains and rains. It's hard sometimes not to be affected by the weather. I try very hard. There are many days that I wish I could just be in bed and not leave! But I'm learning to cope. I've got my sunshine here so it's helping a lot. I've always wanted my daughter to have Sunshine as her middle name because Babe is my ray of sunshine and I want to be reminded of the different rays of sunshine in my life, Eve, Stanley, Lina and Sharon, they are in no particular order.

In about 6 weeks, I'll be off to California to hang in the nice sunshine with my ray of sunshine. I can't wait!

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