It was also really nice heading back to Spore to catch up with cousins and friends that have kids. Its always nice to see their kids growing up hale and healthy.
This Renee, Babe's cousin, Kum Yew's daughter. She's probably about 3 months old. Really beautiful and adorable. It's hard that we missed out on her one month's party as we were in HK. Sometimes it can be hard missing out on family affairs.
This is Damien, my cousin's son. Apparently, he gets along with me. Played and carried him the whole afternoon and he didn't cry or whimper. But the day before, he cried and screamed and yelled whenever someone other than his mum carried him.
We missed out on Pastor Heng's birthday party as we had to have dinner with Babe's family. Pastor Heng is almost like a dad to me. Well, to a certain extend, he's my spiritual father. I wouldn't have anyone else officiate my wedding!
Overall, it was a really great trip. Got to spend time with the people that I truly missed and yes, there were others that I didn't have time to catch up with. Very glad to have caught up with Stan. It had been close to a year since I last saw him. When he got married, I was a little worried that our friendship might change since he's now a married man. But am very thankful that Dorcas, his wife understands the friendship that we have. He's my brother that constantly reminds me to seek God's will first.
It was also heartwarming visiting Sharon and seeing her with little Gabriel. She's going through life changing experience and she's taking it in her stride. I got to see Kenneth, her husband, feeding little Gabriel and am glad that he's such a hands on dad. I really wish that I had more time to spend with them. But....I'll be back!!!!
When I reached the airport this afternoon, my heart sank a little. Well, I do miss HK and wanted to get home, yes, home is here in HK now, but at the same time, I know that I'll missed out on Joanne giving birth to a little baby girl, miss out on seeing little Gabriel grow. And some of my other close friends' kids too. Will probably miss out my future niece calling out Aunty, missing out little Gabriel walking and talking. I guess this is what life basically is all about. You win some and lose some. But am thankful that I can head home to Singapore every couple of months to spend time with my family and friends. And there's always emails.....
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