Over the years, I've come to terms with me aging and also celebrating my birthday. I used to dread my birthday because I hated getting old and I still hate getting old! But these days, I've come to realisation that being old is not such a bad thing after all. Getting older and wiser. And another surprise for this year, Babe actually remembered to bring me out for a nice dinner. He called my current favourite restaurant for reservations but it was booked out tonight. Silly guy, didn't know that he has to book at least a day in advance for that restaurant. So we went to another restaurant. I really appreciate him bringing me out. Nice dinner. Thanks Babe.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A Year Older
Over the years, I've come to terms with me aging and also celebrating my birthday. I used to dread my birthday because I hated getting old and I still hate getting old! But these days, I've come to realisation that being old is not such a bad thing after all. Getting older and wiser. And another surprise for this year, Babe actually remembered to bring me out for a nice dinner. He called my current favourite restaurant for reservations but it was booked out tonight. Silly guy, didn't know that he has to book at least a day in advance for that restaurant. So we went to another restaurant. I really appreciate him bringing me out. Nice dinner. Thanks Babe.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sanctity of Marriage
When Michelle left, I was in a way glad for her because she was going back to her boyfriend. But this friend is a different situation. She left her job because she was unhappy and her boyfriend offered to marry her. So they got married about a month ago and I was happy for them. But things went rocky and today, she told me that she is heading home. She had enough. He was cheating on her even before they were married. Poor girl found out the hard way and I won't talk about it.
I know another girl who probably has a worse experience than her. They went through the morning church service and just before the dinner banquet, he told her to just go through the motions of things and after tonight, it'll be over. And obviously, the marriage didn't work.
When I hear of these stories, I'm thinking, where is the love and sanctity pf marriage? I don't know enough of background information to make judgements. But I know that these 2 ladies made lots of effort to try to make things work. But what's the point of only one person trying. It breaks my heart.
Hun, you take care and keep in touch. I'll visit you someday. Be strong! And love you heaps! Will miss having dinners and coffees with you.
Monday, October 22, 2007
I found my long lost friends! My long lost friends from uni days. When I left uni, the internet just gained popularity and for some reason or other, I lost contact with most of my friends. I've probably kept in contact with only a handful of them. A handful of them that I can count with just one hand. It was so strange and probably a good example of the six degrees of separation. I found Joy through Poh Cheng's list of friends. And Poh Cheng is Babe's cousin's wife. I was like...wow! Can't believe that. And from Joy, I found another 2 friends from uni. I'm reconnecting to friends that I've lost contact with. It's nice to catch up with old friends, especially friends that I've not heard or seen in like 10 years! Wonder, if we can ever pull off a reunion....
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Anyway, my thoughts are mine and I write whatever I like and read if you like but don't go around putting my religion and me down. Anyway, things are going well, I'm glad. Received a call this morning from Sue and she told me that Muyang is out of hospital. Very thankful. Saw him on Tuesday night. He was in good spirits and he didn't tear when I left. I wanted to stay longer but have to admit that I was way too tired to stay too long.
I'm constantly amazed at the niceness of some people in HK. Notice some. For the last two times that I've seen Muyang in hospital, there were always people or rather strangers that talked, played and entertained him. They felt sorry for him and showed compassion towards him. A couple of weeks ago, I was at Toys' R' Us getting games for the kids in school and this random lady came up to me to give me coupons to offset the bill. It was really nice of her. She didn't have to do that but she gave willingly without anything in return. Over time in HK, I've experienced and am still experiencing random acts of kindness and these kindness erase the acts of unkindness by this certain person who continues to haunt my blog. He probably doesn't have any friends or people who would show him acts of kindness and therefore he turns bitter.
But anyway, person, thanks for getting Babe over to Hong Kong. Without you, Babe wouldn't be in the career position which he is in now. Better paid and better career prospects and we're even given a chance to adopt a child in Hong Kong as well. You had been very instrumental in our lives in Hong Kong and that will remain in the past. Thanks for the past and I don't ever want to meet you in person and please I pray that our paths, both Babe and mine will NEVER cross with yours. I don't want to call a scum like you an acquaintance. Thanks for the past and leave it as it is. And don't think I'll ever blog about you. You're not worth my time anymore.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Life is a Roller Coaster but God is in Control
When I saw Muyang, he had this huge, huge smile on his little sweet face. He was so pleased to see me. Don't think he had any visitors at all today. He asked me where was Sue. I told him that Sue will come tomorrow and if he wanted to see to Sue. He said,' Yes, please.' It was so sweet. I called Sue and he had a chat with Sue. He wanted to know when can he go home. He's called Holf his home now. I spoke to Sue and then tears started to roll down his cheeks. After that, 2 ladies from Christian Action came by and when they left, he started to tear again. I really wanted to stay longer and leave when he's fallen asleep. But he didn't want to sleep. I guess he was afraid that I was going to leave. So when I finally left, he teared as well.
When I left, there was this sadness in me. Muyang had this little toy laptop and he showed it to the Christian Action ladies and told them proudly that I bought it for him. I can never comprehend what this little one is going through. Today is Sunday and he's in the children's ward. Every kid in the ward had their families visiting them except for him. Even the lady that's closest to him can't visit him as she's busy at Holf. He must have abandonment issues and more. I can't imagine what's going through his head. I sat there and sang,' Jesus loves me this I know.' And there were a couple of tears and moments of sadness with him. I had to remind him that Jesus loves him. He's just going through so much and I wish I can take some away from him but how?
The other part of me, I'm so afraid of getting too close to him as I know someday I've to let go of him. I was told that he might be going back to China after Chinese New Year and hopefully, he'll be adopted into an American family. My prayer for him is to be adopted into a good Christian family. And I'm still praying that maybe he may be the one even though Babe thinks otherwise. Is it selfish on my part not wanting to be close to him just to protect myself? Have I thought about him? All he wants is just a little love. There's so much sadness in this little boy but I'm thankful that he knows that Jesus loves him. Pray for him. It's nothing serious that's he's in hospital. But rather pray for his future and God's plan for him. Pray that God will help and heal him both physically and emotionally.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friends Sick
After leaving Charles at his hotel, I was in the cabby pondering. Stan's dad had an operation and I didn't have a chance to ask him what happened. Sharon's getting busy over her wedding next month and I'm not even helping. Still praying that I'll be able to make it for her wedding night. I've been missing lots of things that's been happening with my friends. And increasingly, I've been missing Eve as well. But I've learning that it's all part of living overseas as well. This is life. It's all part and parcel of living overseas. Thank God for Facebook. But I still and much rather spend time physically with you. So friends out there, I miss you guys heaps and heaps and love you heaps and heaps!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
Written By: Unknown
Copyright Unknown
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.
He's got my brothers and my sisters in His hands,
He's got my brothers and my sisters in His hands,
He's got my brothers and my sisters in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.
He's got the sun and the rain in His hands,
He's got the moon and the stars in His hands,
He's got the wind and the clouds in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.
He's got the rivers and the mountains in His hands,
He's got the oceans and the seas in His hands,
He's got you and he's got me in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.
He's got everybody here in His hands,
He's got everybody there in His hands,
He's got everybody everywhere in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.
On Thursday, I emailed Pete from Holf to let him know that we were going to Holf today. Pete replied and said that Muyang will have his casts from both legs removed on Friday. We went to Holf today and we joined the singing and performing from Doulos ( a floating book fair manned by Christian volunteers). I saw Muyang and my heart leaped for joy! His casts were really off. Later on, I had a chat with Sue. She told me that Muyang's doctor was so amazed at Muyang's recovery from the surgery that he has decided that Muyang will have his braces! Praise the Lord! I have to say that I misjudged Christian Action. When they wanted to put him in the wheelchair, it was because they thought Muyang will not be able to walk as his doctor told them that from the MRI scans, Muyang's leg muscles were wasted. But on Friday, he was able to raise his leg and the doctor was amazed! Truly praise the Lord. I must confess that I feel guilty that I didn't pray hard enough for Muyang.
While playing lego with Muyang, he started to sing, 'He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.' On the way home, I was a little pensive thinking about God and the song. How apt the song. God has the whole world in his hands. In His hands, He has me, Babe, Muyang and everyone. Why do I worry when God has the whole world is His hands? A couple of months ago, when Babe left his job, there were thoughts in my head about our future. But looking back now, it was stupid and faithless of me to worry. God has the whole world in His hands and He has proved Himself to us once again. He has provided Babe with not just one job but a few jobs and Babe was in a position to choose the one that he wanted. Even after he started his job, calls were still coming in offering him jobs. How uncanny that I've learnt faith from a little boy singing this song.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Window Shopping Online
And then the internet came to the rescue. I started surfing and looking around for more stuff. And lo and behold, babies are not cheap you know? There's so many things to buy for the kid without even knowing his or her age, gender or anything. Did you know that there's heaps of generic stuff to buy for the kid? Loads to buy!!! But hang on, I'm going to be good. I'll continue window shopping online until we attend the final workshop in Feb. And then let the shopping begin!