Monday, June 18, 2007

Somewhere Over the Rainbow - A Tribute to Christopher Reeve

This is my favouritest of all my favourites. I love Superman as a kid. Love watching Christopher Reeve in his underwear and his red wellingtons. Got a feeling that might have started my mad search for a pair of wellingtons which I can happily say that I've found it.

When Christopher Reeves became paralysed, I thought, how is that possible? He's Superman! When he died, I was actually affected by it. He fought so hard to live and he never gave up. His wife Dana stood by him all the time. To me, that was a model couple and a couple that displayed true love. Then Dana passed on as well. Often I wonder if she died of heartbreak and if she decided that it's enough of fighting and that she just wants to be with him. A true example of true love.

Babe, this is also for you. No matter what happens, I'll be here for you. When the going gets tough, it's often that people walk out from marriages but this Hollywood couple showed me something that's rare in Hollywood. They stayed firm, till death do us part. Babe, I love you and nothing in this world can be compared to you!

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