Blessed Christmas from the land of Disneyland. Can't believe that I'm back here with Babe after 6 years of our honeymoon. It really feels like Christmas here. Cold weather, Christmas Carols playing and Chritmas decorations. Really magical. We're a little jetlagged but kinda expected it. Couldn't really sleep last night and this morning, we were up by 7 in the morning and by 8.30, we already ate our breakfast. Babe is having a snooze now and when he gets up, we'll be off to Disney! Can't bloody wait!
Oh, forgot to mention this, this is a great Christmas. Sharon had her little Gabriel and a very close friend in Hong Kong just got engaged! So excited for them! Can't wait to see these people celebrating new stages in their lives! Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and remember the true meaning of Christmas.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Start of Christmas Hols
Finally, after months of waiting, Christmas hols are here! Yes! Finally! Can't believe it. We're leaving tomorrow for LA. We're going to Disneyland! Whoppeeeee!!!!! Can't wait. Going to spend 3 full days at Disneyland, going to take every single ride and eat heaps of churros and drink lots of hot chocolate, and spend Christmas with Eelynn, Jolynn, Bruno and Mike. Will meet up with Eve to. And then, we'll be off to Las Vegas. I'm just too excited! Really need the break.
This is also a long awaited holiday with Babe. We haven't had a real vacation since we went to Lombok last Easter. He's been pretty busy with work. Can't wait to show San Diego to him too. Wished that we could have more time but I guess, can't complain. Anyway, if I don't get to blog before Christmas......
This is also a long awaited holiday with Babe. We haven't had a real vacation since we went to Lombok last Easter. He's been pretty busy with work. Can't wait to show San Diego to him too. Wished that we could have more time but I guess, can't complain. Anyway, if I don't get to blog before Christmas......
Have a Blessed Christmas and
a Wonderful New Year ahead!
a Wonderful New Year ahead!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Difference Between Happiness and Joy
I've always that that happiness and joy was synonymous but apparently not. Interesting. Was reading a book recently about love and bringing up children and the author mentioned the difference between these two words. She wrote that happiness most of the time is momentarily, short-lived and dependent and motivated by external factors. Whereas with joy, it is internal and eternal. I was rather surprised by that opinion. I never really taught of it that way. And she went on to say that with joy, no matter whatever that happens, there's a peace and calm in a person. Joy stays in the person and it is not motivated by external factors at all.
I thought about it and well, it is very true. The author wrote to say that it is far more important to raise the child in joy than to have the child seek for happiness. And when I think about it, yes, people seek for happiness all the time and most of the time, they find happiness in the wrong places and persons. And their happiness sometimes is dependent on external factors. If it makes you happy, then it makes me happy. Very often said. But with joy, it comes true happiness. Joy can be or is in us and once we have that, we will have true happiness and not empty happiness that comes and goes.
Maybe Happy's name should be changed to Joy. But I know 3 Joys and all of them are very nice girls. So no....lest people get mad with me.....Anyway, my Happy makes me happy and joyful....Am a little sad that I'll have to leave her in Hong Kong while we head to the States. Feel bad that she always gets left in Hong Kong during the festive seasons....Must think of a way for her soon. Not sure if she likes catching the planes though....
I thought about it and well, it is very true. The author wrote to say that it is far more important to raise the child in joy than to have the child seek for happiness. And when I think about it, yes, people seek for happiness all the time and most of the time, they find happiness in the wrong places and persons. And their happiness sometimes is dependent on external factors. If it makes you happy, then it makes me happy. Very often said. But with joy, it comes true happiness. Joy can be or is in us and once we have that, we will have true happiness and not empty happiness that comes and goes.
Maybe Happy's name should be changed to Joy. But I know 3 Joys and all of them are very nice girls. So no....lest people get mad with me.....Anyway, my Happy makes me happy and joyful....Am a little sad that I'll have to leave her in Hong Kong while we head to the States. Feel bad that she always gets left in Hong Kong during the festive seasons....Must think of a way for her soon. Not sure if she likes catching the planes though....
Monday, December 15, 2008
I just noticed that it's already 15th of December and I've only 2 posts up this month. My posts has become a little more sporadic than I like. Well, to be honest, I've been busy.I rushing my last assignment for my class and yes, last assignment and I won't be taking any courses for a long time! Work has been a little busy recently too. But I'm enjoying it. We've got parents' day this Wednesday and so I've been working hard to get stuff ready. At the home front, all the moving and buying have finally died now. Thank God! No more moving and no more buying! Hopefully.....Our telly arrived with heater and oven. Obviously Babe loves the new telly and I love the new oven. I've not had an oven for more than 2 years and I miss roasting, baking and grilling food. Used the oven on Saturday night when we had our housewarming (will talk more about that later) and also used it to make my version of Asian sherperd's pie. Must say that Babe loved it. Didn't remember what he meant by my version of sherpherd's pie till he reminded me. Used to make that for him when we were living in Perth and also in Singapore.
So....It's getting closer and closer to Christmas. And it's always this time of the year that I start thinking of my how my life has been for the past year. Well, I wouldn't say that it had be a smooth sailing one but neither would I say it was a difficult one. Sure, there were decisions that I had to make, celebrations to be celebrated and yes, I did miss a couple of celebrations too. And of course, there were disappointments in too. But all in all, it has been a great year. And yes, as usual, I've become an aunty and will be becoming an aunty at least twice next year. Sharon's having a baby in Jan. Can't bloody wait! And yes, I'm going to be a real aunty too. Joanne's having a baby soon! Whoppeee!!!
Last Saturday, we had a housewarming and Christmas dinner at our home. It has been a long time since we hosted a dinner at home. Our past homes in HK were too small to have people up for dinner. Well, I thought that it was a success. I cooked dinner with the help of 'Brahims' and 'Prima Taste', yes, me lazy.....prepacked paste to the rescue. Had a great time hanging out with people whom I think are now my family of friends and that even includes Carmen's mum! She's a blast! She's been to my birthday BBQ and now to my home. While I was sitting there and looking at the people in our home, I was thinking, yes, some of my family of friends couldn't make it. And then, there's one or two that I guess, are not part of my family of friends and well, no loss, and then there are some which have truly become a part of my family. And I am thankful that I've met them. I stongly believe that God places people in our lives for reasons that we may or may not know. And a couple of people here in HK have really become a part of my family. They are the ones that I'll probably text first when I've great good news and they are going to be the same ones that I'll call if there's a need for a shoulder to cry on. But whatever it is, yes, I understand that I may have made wrong choices with friendships but with my friends now, I'm very glad that God gave them to me.
So....It's getting closer and closer to Christmas. And it's always this time of the year that I start thinking of my how my life has been for the past year. Well, I wouldn't say that it had be a smooth sailing one but neither would I say it was a difficult one. Sure, there were decisions that I had to make, celebrations to be celebrated and yes, I did miss a couple of celebrations too. And of course, there were disappointments in too. But all in all, it has been a great year. And yes, as usual, I've become an aunty and will be becoming an aunty at least twice next year. Sharon's having a baby in Jan. Can't bloody wait! And yes, I'm going to be a real aunty too. Joanne's having a baby soon! Whoppeee!!!
Last Saturday, we had a housewarming and Christmas dinner at our home. It has been a long time since we hosted a dinner at home. Our past homes in HK were too small to have people up for dinner. Well, I thought that it was a success. I cooked dinner with the help of 'Brahims' and 'Prima Taste', yes, me lazy.....prepacked paste to the rescue. Had a great time hanging out with people whom I think are now my family of friends and that even includes Carmen's mum! She's a blast! She's been to my birthday BBQ and now to my home. While I was sitting there and looking at the people in our home, I was thinking, yes, some of my family of friends couldn't make it. And then, there's one or two that I guess, are not part of my family of friends and well, no loss, and then there are some which have truly become a part of my family. And I am thankful that I've met them. I stongly believe that God places people in our lives for reasons that we may or may not know. And a couple of people here in HK have really become a part of my family. They are the ones that I'll probably text first when I've great good news and they are going to be the same ones that I'll call if there's a need for a shoulder to cry on. But whatever it is, yes, I understand that I may have made wrong choices with friendships but with my friends now, I'm very glad that God gave them to me.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Sometime last week, one of my favouritest persons on Earth wrote about her heros on her blog. And she wrote about me being one of her heros. Sure I was flattered by it. Actually, way too flattered by it. But I wonder if I am good enough to be a hero or do I actually deserved it?
She got me thinking about what she wrote about me. Ha, I'm pretty egoistic isnt it? She wrote that I inspired her with my strength to prevail against all odds and that I taught her optimism. What she wrote was truly very nice. I didn't realised that I had such an impact in her life. We both grew up together and understanding each other far better than anyone else to a certain extent. She watched me grow and went through the difficult times in my life without once thinking it was time to walk away. I appreciate her for everything. And yes, we fulfilled our childhood wish of becoming a bridesmaid to whoever that gets married first. I got married first and she was my bridesmaid. The most beautiful one, I must say.
When she wrote that I taught her optimism, I never thought in a million years that I taught her that. To me, it's all about living my life and whenever obstacles, trials and shit gets thrown in my face, I'll take it in stride. For I know that as long as I survive it, I'll be a stronger person. And I know that God is always in control and that in Him, I can do all things. And maybe that's why it came across to her that I've taught her optimism. But then again, I'm not really an optimist. I'm a realist. I look at life and try to figure out if things can work out realistically or am I just living in a dream.
But then again, one can plan all they want in life, things do happen unexpectedly at times and there were many times that I've thrown offguard. But I'm glad to know that when I'm thrown offguard, there's always family and friends to catch me. Thanks heaps monster for being the bestest monster! Love ya heaps!
She got me thinking about what she wrote about me. Ha, I'm pretty egoistic isnt it? She wrote that I inspired her with my strength to prevail against all odds and that I taught her optimism. What she wrote was truly very nice. I didn't realised that I had such an impact in her life. We both grew up together and understanding each other far better than anyone else to a certain extent. She watched me grow and went through the difficult times in my life without once thinking it was time to walk away. I appreciate her for everything. And yes, we fulfilled our childhood wish of becoming a bridesmaid to whoever that gets married first. I got married first and she was my bridesmaid. The most beautiful one, I must say.
When she wrote that I taught her optimism, I never thought in a million years that I taught her that. To me, it's all about living my life and whenever obstacles, trials and shit gets thrown in my face, I'll take it in stride. For I know that as long as I survive it, I'll be a stronger person. And I know that God is always in control and that in Him, I can do all things. And maybe that's why it came across to her that I've taught her optimism. But then again, I'm not really an optimist. I'm a realist. I look at life and try to figure out if things can work out realistically or am I just living in a dream.
But then again, one can plan all they want in life, things do happen unexpectedly at times and there were many times that I've thrown offguard. But I'm glad to know that when I'm thrown offguard, there's always family and friends to catch me. Thanks heaps monster for being the bestest monster! Love ya heaps!
Friday, December 05, 2008
Yes, a morbid post. There are days that I just love being morbid and melacholic and today is just one of those days. Well, not just today. It actually started yesterday.
At assembly yesterday, the principal told us that the pastor of our school went home after battling cancer. That got me thinking a little as he has four kids. First thing that went through my head was, 'How is his wife going to support their kids?'. But then a small voice spoke, 'Woman of little faith, God will always provide.' Yes, it hit me. God always provides no matter what happens.
Today I was read about what the husband of the Singapore Mumbai victim said at a press conference and it almost brought tears to my eyes. He said that he waited all his life to marry her. Wow! Such words. I am glad that I found my soulmate, my one that is for me. But reading from what a man said of him losing his wife had me thinking and controlling my tears. The poor lady died a terrible death. They were just newlyweds and imagine the pain that poor man is going through. Will he ever be able to find another love like her. But maybe it may not matter to him as he had already found his love even though he lost her. To a certain extent, he's better off than some who never find the one or have a knack of finding the wrong ones. It was hard reading what he said. It's heartbreaking to feel his pain.
Death brings lots of emotions. As much as I know and understand, when my love ones pass on, most of them will be with the Lord. I should be rejoicing but it is hard to fill that gap, that vacuum. I wonder what will happen to me if Babe is drastically taken away from me like the poor girl. I hate to imagine that. But this is life. Isn't important to love now and have no regrets than to have regrets later? I pray and hope that this will never ever happen.
At assembly yesterday, the principal told us that the pastor of our school went home after battling cancer. That got me thinking a little as he has four kids. First thing that went through my head was, 'How is his wife going to support their kids?'. But then a small voice spoke, 'Woman of little faith, God will always provide.' Yes, it hit me. God always provides no matter what happens.
Today I was read about what the husband of the Singapore Mumbai victim said at a press conference and it almost brought tears to my eyes. He said that he waited all his life to marry her. Wow! Such words. I am glad that I found my soulmate, my one that is for me. But reading from what a man said of him losing his wife had me thinking and controlling my tears. The poor lady died a terrible death. They were just newlyweds and imagine the pain that poor man is going through. Will he ever be able to find another love like her. But maybe it may not matter to him as he had already found his love even though he lost her. To a certain extent, he's better off than some who never find the one or have a knack of finding the wrong ones. It was hard reading what he said. It's heartbreaking to feel his pain.
Death brings lots of emotions. As much as I know and understand, when my love ones pass on, most of them will be with the Lord. I should be rejoicing but it is hard to fill that gap, that vacuum. I wonder what will happen to me if Babe is drastically taken away from me like the poor girl. I hate to imagine that. But this is life. Isn't important to love now and have no regrets than to have regrets later? I pray and hope that this will never ever happen.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Today is the American Thanksgiving. Well, although I'm not an American and do not really celebrate Thanksgiving, I'm am reminded to be thankful for everything that I have. And more importantly, everything I have is from the Almighty. I am truly grateful for all that I have. There's nothing that I lack and God has provided more than sufficient for me.
I'm also very thankful for the new apartment that we're renting now. So thankful that we've finally moved to a bigger place with more space for all my stuff. We're still in the process of unpacking and we need to get a few pieces of furniture. Am very thankful for Babe for helping and doing most of the move. Am grateful that his work is flexible enough for him to move things over when I'm at work.
There's actually nothing more that I can ask for in my life. God has given me so much in life and I truly feel so blessed. Maybe next year, we might start having Thanksgiving dinner. Just maybe......
I'm also very thankful for the new apartment that we're renting now. So thankful that we've finally moved to a bigger place with more space for all my stuff. We're still in the process of unpacking and we need to get a few pieces of furniture. Am very thankful for Babe for helping and doing most of the move. Am grateful that his work is flexible enough for him to move things over when I'm at work.
There's actually nothing more that I can ask for in my life. God has given me so much in life and I truly feel so blessed. Maybe next year, we might start having Thanksgiving dinner. Just maybe......
Monday, November 24, 2008
Babe came back on Friday night. Thank God! Am really glad that he's back because we're finally moving. On Thursday, I met the agent and landlard to sign the lease, get the keys and hand over the deposit. Wished I didn't have to part with that amount of money!
On Friday, we didn't manage to do anything because I was at course all day and had class in the evening. Babe came back only in the evening. Woke up on Saturday and was excited thinking that it was our wedding anniversary. Our 6th! Can't believe that we've lasted so long! Woohoo! Packed some stuff and moved to our new place. Did that the whole afternoon. Evening came and we just decided to go to a suburb near us to eat. Too tired and lazy to bother to go far for a nice dinner.
Sunday came and while we were getting ready to go to church, Babe suddenly exclaimed while looking at his wedding ring. "Our wedding is on the 23rd not the 22nd!" And I went....Opps....And then I realised...We started dating on the 22nd of October but got married on the 23rd of November and the confused person. It's not done on purpose, you know...I just blame everything on age.
Having explained my confusion, I just want to say.....I'm so thankful that we made it through another year. A marriage is never easy. A wedding is probably a day, a week's event but a marriage to us is forever. But there are times, forever is very difficult. There can be many yellings, hollerings, shoutings, and moments and periods of silences. But at the same time, there's lots of happiness, joy, elation and peace and just a comfort of having someone loving me for just being me. Babe loves me the way I am. He knows and loves me in my happiness, joy, sadness, depression and in all my dramas. I know that his love is and will always be there for me. Very comforting to know that. I may not and am not the best wife but I know that he loves me despite of my shortcomings. I really suck at household chores. Never ask me to clean up an apartment. I suck at it.
Anyway, Babe, thanks for being a wonderful husband! Thanks for loving me the way I am! Love you heaps and heaps!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Busy Weekend Without Babe
Babe's away for work this weekend again. But I've had a full weekend. Got me a facial and a massage on Saturday afternoon and then met Karine for tea. Had a great time with her. It was nice chatting and talking just about anything and everything.
Got home, was way too full to have any dinner. And on Sunday, all thanks to Mel, she organised a little trip to Macau to watch Zaia. And oh my goodness, we did have so so much fun! She brought along her friend, Angela and boy was she a blast too. We had so much fun just talking, laughing and cracking up. I reckon that our conversations were way more fun and interesting than Zaia. But I must thank Mel for making the effort to get us to watch the show. Zaia was really enjoyable, though I nodded a little in the first 10 mins. I slept really late on Saturday, you know? But then the show really started going and wow, it was really spectacular!

As I get to spend more weekends on my own sometimes, I'm thankful to be surrounded by friends who took time to spend their weekeends with me. Sorry ladies, if I made you feel like you're Babe's subsitute at times. But really, I really love the time we spent together. Totally hilarious. Hong Kong is really becoming home. I've friends that I know that I can count on and am really thankful for them!
Got home, was way too full to have any dinner. And on Sunday, all thanks to Mel, she organised a little trip to Macau to watch Zaia. And oh my goodness, we did have so so much fun! She brought along her friend, Angela and boy was she a blast too. We had so much fun just talking, laughing and cracking up. I reckon that our conversations were way more fun and interesting than Zaia. But I must thank Mel for making the effort to get us to watch the show. Zaia was really enjoyable, though I nodded a little in the first 10 mins. I slept really late on Saturday, you know? But then the show really started going and wow, it was really spectacular!
As I get to spend more weekends on my own sometimes, I'm thankful to be surrounded by friends who took time to spend their weekeends with me. Sorry ladies, if I made you feel like you're Babe's subsitute at times. But really, I really love the time we spent together. Totally hilarious. Hong Kong is really becoming home. I've friends that I know that I can count on and am really thankful for them!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Seafood Dinner and Thoughts
Oh yes, I'm trying, making an effort to go to the gym more to run. Been thinking about it and all thanks to Mel, she's suggested that I join her for a 5k run. I'm like....errrr.....I've never really run in my life till recently and it's more for health and staying fit and not gaining weight reasons. But with her suggestion has been stuck in my head. So now....trying and working it out to really see if doing a 5K run is feasible. Well, as long as I don't come in last, I don't care! And or if I'm about to come in last, I might just faint and pretend!
Anyway, a couple of days I ago, I sent an email to my ex-colleagues congratulating her on her wedding but I had to send my apologies for not being able to make it to her wedding. Well, Babe kinda put me on a mini budget since I wanted an US Christmas. Can't be flying everywhere every month, you know. She replied and it was nice to hear from her. In the email, she told me that she was seconded to an elite all girls secondary school in Spore for 2 years and that she probably will not be heading back to the same school to work after that. Well, honestly, when I first read what she wrote, there was a tinge of envy and maybe even a pinch of jealousy. And then, I was reminded of myself. Well, I'm really happy for her. Good on her, she worked her bloody butt off and she to achieve her ambition and went ahead to climb the corporate ladder. She went out to get what she wants and to my understanding and knowledge, she did not hurt anyone or trample on anyone along the way.
Then I thought of myself. Well, the reality of things is that I do not have ambition or drive like this friend of mine. I do things that I enjoy. I did my masters because I wanted to understand children better and to learn how to help them better. I have no desire to be a principal or a head of department. I want to work in the area that I enjoy without the politics or anything like that. I'm happy with what I do now. I work with children, have a nice healthy balance between work and play. I have a nice salary that allows me to have probably more holidays than I should actually have. Just went to States for summer and am going again for Christmas. So what should I be envious or even jealous of? Nothing. To each their own. Different people have different goals in their lives. I am proud to admit that I do not have ambition or the drive to be really successful but I want success in my own understanding. To me, my success is having enough time with my family, enough money to holiday, buy stuff and sometimes nice stuff and maybe someday have enough to stop earning a salary and to work in an area like Joanne, my sister. Help in an NGO or in a children's home. Maybe someday...someday I'll be able to give up my life and work with kids that are in need. Yup! That's my ambition.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Giving Cheerfully
2 nights ago I read about giving cheerfully to God while doing my quiet time. It served a great reminder to me. All my life I knew very well that I had to give 10 percent of what I've been given back to God. But the reality is that its only recently that I've made that my priority. Rather sad, huh?
All throughout my life even right up to now, I have always relied and will continue to rely on God's providence upon me. When I left for uni, dad had financial difficulties and I still went ahead believing that God will provide. Sure, there were hard times but I had the best times in uni. God provided me with a scholarship for tuition fees and I worked for living expenses. And God delivered on His promises, He provided.
Graduated, and well, tithing was never really a priority to me. There were always other stuff that came before tithing and I never really put in 10 percent for God. Still God provided and I continued shopping and buying. I left for Sydney to do my masters with a budget that was far below what the reality was. Still God never forgot me. He provided me with a great life still. I had a blast working in Woolies and babysitting a special needs kid. Made me a lot more thankful for my life.
I can write lots of how God has provided for me but it disgusts myself to realise that I've been a selfish person not to put God first since He has done so much for me. So.......I've been giving God what He deserves now at the beginning of each month. There is no excuse anymore. At the beginning of the month, I take a percentage and promptly put it into the offering bag or to an organization that does God's work. And guess what, I've been so blessed by God in many ways. I really never expect that He would return me what I've given to Him in many folds. Now, I understand that God never really needs the money because He has more than what I would ever accumulate in my life. And by obeying Him, I am being blessed by Him. And the blessings does not always come materially but still I know that God has blessed me! Since God has always made me a priority and have always provided for me abundantly, what's just giving a little back to him.
All throughout my life even right up to now, I have always relied and will continue to rely on God's providence upon me. When I left for uni, dad had financial difficulties and I still went ahead believing that God will provide. Sure, there were hard times but I had the best times in uni. God provided me with a scholarship for tuition fees and I worked for living expenses. And God delivered on His promises, He provided.
Graduated, and well, tithing was never really a priority to me. There were always other stuff that came before tithing and I never really put in 10 percent for God. Still God provided and I continued shopping and buying. I left for Sydney to do my masters with a budget that was far below what the reality was. Still God never forgot me. He provided me with a great life still. I had a blast working in Woolies and babysitting a special needs kid. Made me a lot more thankful for my life.
I can write lots of how God has provided for me but it disgusts myself to realise that I've been a selfish person not to put God first since He has done so much for me. So.......I've been giving God what He deserves now at the beginning of each month. There is no excuse anymore. At the beginning of the month, I take a percentage and promptly put it into the offering bag or to an organization that does God's work. And guess what, I've been so blessed by God in many ways. I really never expect that He would return me what I've given to Him in many folds. Now, I understand that God never really needs the money because He has more than what I would ever accumulate in my life. And by obeying Him, I am being blessed by Him. And the blessings does not always come materially but still I know that God has blessed me! Since God has always made me a priority and have always provided for me abundantly, what's just giving a little back to him.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Things that Irk Me about Singapore
There are things about Singapore that irk me, especially now that I live overseas. Somethings become more apparent even though I wished that I wouldn't have these feeling about my country. Don't get me wrong. I love being a Singaporean. I'm proud to be one and don't think I'll ever trade my citizenship for another. Don't ever foresee myself doing that unless something really drastic happens. But seriously, for now, no, I am still happy and proud to be a Singaporean.
The rising cost in Singapore really irks me. As the Singaporean government announces that Singapore is slipping into recession, they are raising public transport costs, not dropping power bills even though petrol prices have come down. Before heading to States over summer, i was thinking of flying to States out of Singapore but didn't do it eventually, because the service charge and tax alone is close to SIN$1000. When I brought this up to someone whom I know who works in the aviation industry, he mentioned that in HK, there is a cap to how much surcharge can be slapped onto a passenger but not in Singapore. Fine, I'll fly out of HK then.
Adding to that, Singapore Airlines has decided to charge passengers in economy class who want to sit at the exit row to pay more. What's this, finding ways to charge passengers more to increase their profits? And with the ever increasing ERP gantries, how will the average Singaporeans survive? Seriously, I feel sorry for the heartlanders....
Having said all these, don't forget, I still love my country. But just am disappointed. But maybe I don't know enough or I'm just an ignorant girl....
The rising cost in Singapore really irks me. As the Singaporean government announces that Singapore is slipping into recession, they are raising public transport costs, not dropping power bills even though petrol prices have come down. Before heading to States over summer, i was thinking of flying to States out of Singapore but didn't do it eventually, because the service charge and tax alone is close to SIN$1000. When I brought this up to someone whom I know who works in the aviation industry, he mentioned that in HK, there is a cap to how much surcharge can be slapped onto a passenger but not in Singapore. Fine, I'll fly out of HK then.
Adding to that, Singapore Airlines has decided to charge passengers in economy class who want to sit at the exit row to pay more. What's this, finding ways to charge passengers more to increase their profits? And with the ever increasing ERP gantries, how will the average Singaporeans survive? Seriously, I feel sorry for the heartlanders....
Having said all these, don't forget, I still love my country. But just am disappointed. But maybe I don't know enough or I'm just an ignorant girl....
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Another Year Older
I don't think I'll ever come to terms that I'm getting older, aging, more white hair, wrinkles on the way and brains fading and failing. But I guess over time, no matter how much I hate, I am getting older. It's a matter of fact, there's nothing that anyone can do to make time stop.
Well, having said that, I've had and am still having a great life and there are many times that i forget to thank God and be grateful for the goodness that He had, has been and will still be bestowing upon me. To a certain extent, life may have been hard on me when I was a kid but God has seen me through and made me a stronger and a better person. I'm learning everyday to put that behind and be thankful for the bountiful blessings that He showers upon me everyday. He has provided me a wonderful husband, parents and sisters, best friends that have become family and wonderful friends that I'm surrounded by in HK. He has blessed me richly in every single aspect and that's the best present that I can ever have.
I want to make a special mention of Babe too. Babe is the best present to me. He's my soulmate, best friend, husband and all rolled into one. There's no one better that I can ask for. He has given me so much that I don't think I need any other presents from him. But he has given me another trip to US for Christmas. This time. we'll be travelling together. He didn't have to do that but I guess he knew that I badly wanted to see my family and friend there so he gave that to me. And yes, I want to shop there too. Thanks Babe for everything. I know I'm a little mad, erratic, crazy and whatever but I grateful that you love me for me. Thanks Babe and I LOVE YOU TOO!
Well, having said that, I've had and am still having a great life and there are many times that i forget to thank God and be grateful for the goodness that He had, has been and will still be bestowing upon me. To a certain extent, life may have been hard on me when I was a kid but God has seen me through and made me a stronger and a better person. I'm learning everyday to put that behind and be thankful for the bountiful blessings that He showers upon me everyday. He has provided me a wonderful husband, parents and sisters, best friends that have become family and wonderful friends that I'm surrounded by in HK. He has blessed me richly in every single aspect and that's the best present that I can ever have.
I want to make a special mention of Babe too. Babe is the best present to me. He's my soulmate, best friend, husband and all rolled into one. There's no one better that I can ask for. He has given me so much that I don't think I need any other presents from him. But he has given me another trip to US for Christmas. This time. we'll be travelling together. He didn't have to do that but I guess he knew that I badly wanted to see my family and friend there so he gave that to me. And yes, I want to shop there too. Thanks Babe for everything. I know I'm a little mad, erratic, crazy and whatever but I grateful that you love me for me. Thanks Babe and I LOVE YOU TOO!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Finally! Yes, after months of searching.....Before and after summer holidays, till yesterday, we were still looking. It got pretty frustrating to the point that at dinner last night, we were about to give up and have a break at apartment hunting till we get back from Christmas hols. Things do work strange or rather God has His hands in things and we're just not aware. I suggested to Babe that we'll stop looking since it's causing a little stress to us and he is getting busy with work and that we'll look when we get back from States after Christmas hols. We agreed that might be the best for us. After that, Babe's phone rang. The apartment that we've given up since it was too expensive and the landlord didn't want to relent, became available at our price. Praise the Lord!!! So happy, over the moon now! Will put pics once we move into our apartment. Will probably move from the 20th of November onwards....So excited!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pink BBQ

Had a wonderful Saturday. And it was a first pink BBQ that I've ever had. I've come to terms that I'm getting old and each birthday that comes by, it's a reminder to me of God's blessings upon me and the wonderful friends that surround me even though I live overseas. Wish I've taken more pics but damn! But thanks to Derrick and Mel for taking pics.
Friends, I want to thank you for making the effort to trek over to Park Island to celebrate my birthday. It's more apparent to me as I live overseas longer that friends truly become a part of your family. And friends that you've not seen for a long time, are still your friends if you want them to be. I met my primary school mate in the lift in my block about 2 weeks ago. She told me that she thought that we went to the same primary school. And I was like, no way. But as we chatted, yup! We know each other after all. And she's Jasmine too. Karine came too. Haven't seen her for ages and she made it. Really glad to have spent a nice afternoon with everyone. And Carmen even brought her mum. It's truly become a little family. Thanks everyone for making Saturday special. And boys, thanks for making the effort to come in pink. Well, have to thank Derrick especially! Can't believe you did it for me!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Bittersweet Weekend
It was a bittersweet weekend. But I must say, overall, I enjoyed it.
Last week, I received an email from a friend that I hadn't seen for close to a year. She wrote to say that she'll be in HK on Saturday and asked if I had time to meet up with her. Sure, I did have time for her. She was my second friend in HK. I mean a true second friend. My first friend Michelle left and last year, this friend left because of a personal issue. When she left, it was hard for me. Really hard because I missed having coffees and dinners with her. She was a shopper like me. But under this beautiful person, her character was even more beautiful. So I met her. Spent a nice afternoon with her catching up. It was hard for her as she had things that she flew back here for. She mentioned that it's a strange feeling coming back to a country which she thought was going to be her home. And the 2 closest persons to her in HK are no longer around. She lost them to various reasons. When she said that, something pulled in my heart. I remember years ago after I graduated from uni, I had that feeling when I went back to Gold Coast. Things felt different. But I guess for this friend, it's a lot deeper. She's been through a lot but she's has grown immensely from it. Learnt a lot and in her own words, she laughed as she said, 'Whatever that does not kill you, only makes you stronger.' Yes, sister. You got it.
After meeting her, I thought about a couple of things. When she left HK last year, I really didn't know when will I ever see her again and more importantly, will she ever heal from what she was going through then. This time seeing her made me feel lots better. She managed to heal and is still healing and it'll take her a while. And I know that I'll always see her again someday. Our goodbyes are not really goodbyes because somewhere down the road, we'll meet again. Actually, probably in less than a month!
After meeting my friend, Babe, Mel and I went to watch Beauty and the Beast because our friend, Kim was performing in it. It was a nice performance. Thoroughly enjoyed it. It was also nice to see that finally Babe is able to hang out with my friends. As most of you know, he's not very good at it.
The other highlight of the weekend......We book our tickets to LA for Christmas! Can't wait! A bonus to be going to the States twice in a year! A huge bonus! Get to see my cousins and Eve again!
Last week, I received an email from a friend that I hadn't seen for close to a year. She wrote to say that she'll be in HK on Saturday and asked if I had time to meet up with her. Sure, I did have time for her. She was my second friend in HK. I mean a true second friend. My first friend Michelle left and last year, this friend left because of a personal issue. When she left, it was hard for me. Really hard because I missed having coffees and dinners with her. She was a shopper like me. But under this beautiful person, her character was even more beautiful. So I met her. Spent a nice afternoon with her catching up. It was hard for her as she had things that she flew back here for. She mentioned that it's a strange feeling coming back to a country which she thought was going to be her home. And the 2 closest persons to her in HK are no longer around. She lost them to various reasons. When she said that, something pulled in my heart. I remember years ago after I graduated from uni, I had that feeling when I went back to Gold Coast. Things felt different. But I guess for this friend, it's a lot deeper. She's been through a lot but she's has grown immensely from it. Learnt a lot and in her own words, she laughed as she said, 'Whatever that does not kill you, only makes you stronger.' Yes, sister. You got it.
After meeting her, I thought about a couple of things. When she left HK last year, I really didn't know when will I ever see her again and more importantly, will she ever heal from what she was going through then. This time seeing her made me feel lots better. She managed to heal and is still healing and it'll take her a while. And I know that I'll always see her again someday. Our goodbyes are not really goodbyes because somewhere down the road, we'll meet again. Actually, probably in less than a month!
After meeting my friend, Babe, Mel and I went to watch Beauty and the Beast because our friend, Kim was performing in it. It was a nice performance. Thoroughly enjoyed it. It was also nice to see that finally Babe is able to hang out with my friends. As most of you know, he's not very good at it.
The other highlight of the weekend......We book our tickets to LA for Christmas! Can't wait! A bonus to be going to the States twice in a year! A huge bonus! Get to see my cousins and Eve again!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ocean Park
Maybe we went on a crowded day or I'm just bias and I love Disney too much. But it can be hard for a theme park not to tie up with another media company. It was a theme park without much of a theme. If you know what I mean. Oh well, it was a good day out after all....Maybe this weekend we might hit Disney....
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Delighting in the Misery of Others?
So the global markets yesterday were dealt with another blow. Stock markets everywhere around the world fell and fell badly. When I got home last night after class, all I got from news on Channelnewsasia was grim news. Babe transferred some money from HK to Singapore yesterday and he told me that the exchange rate was in the range of 5.3. I was happy. The worst we had was 5.7. For the amount of money we transferred across, we had a savings of like SIN500. Well, to us, poor souls, it's quite a tidy sum.
As the financial markets take a beating, the US dollar has been rising against the SIN dollar. To us, it's a bonus. We're happy that we're getting more out of our salary now. At this rate that things are going, we might even be able to buy our apartment earlier than expected. In all honesty, we're not really affected by the financial turmoil. Oh, maybe I might, I may get a slight nip in my living allowance, worst case scenario. But I hardly think so at this point of time. As for Babe, I don't think he's really affected. With work, he'll probably be able to get more value for money in the business environment.
But I wonder as people are having difficult times, is it wrong for us to wish things might turn even worse so that we can get that apartment that we want at a lower rental? We can get more SIN dollars from our HK dollars? And we maybe able to get our apartment in Singapore earlier? Babe and I do not have any shares or money in the financial, stock or share markets. Number 1, we do not have excess money to invest or rather gamble and number 2, I'm too chicken and dumb to do it and number 3, if I truly wanted to gamble, I'd rather catch a ferry to Macau to play the slot machines.
But what sickens me is the unscrupulous people who chose to cheat poor victims who do not understand financial jargon into investing risky funds and them losing heaps of money. These are poor people who saved penny by penny and then waking up and realising that they are holding on to fixed deposits that have lost more than half of their values. And look at AIG. After being bailed out by the US government with tax payers' money, the top execs splurge at an exclusive resort in California. Lehman Bros was the same. Top execs had real fat bonuses last year and then this year, declares bankrupt. And in true reality, it is the poor victims are who illiterate in financial terms that are suffering. Top execs had their fair share of fun, frivolous spending ways and their expensive toys but poor victims out are the ones that are really having a hard time.
I guess at the end of this rambling post, I'm just trying to say, in every situation there are winners and losers. The financial and banking execs may think that they are the losers because they can't afford the Porsches or BMWs now but spare a thought for the poor victims who are really misled by their financial advisers. And the trusting American taxpayers who paid for the exclusive retreat for the AIG execs. Sad, huh. Still delighting in the misery of others. As for me, all I hope is for the HK dollar to be at 5 is to 1 for SIN dollar, a cheaper rental for the apartment that we're looking at and lastly, hopefully by next summer, we'll be able to buy our dream apartment. Not too much to ask for is it?
As the financial markets take a beating, the US dollar has been rising against the SIN dollar. To us, it's a bonus. We're happy that we're getting more out of our salary now. At this rate that things are going, we might even be able to buy our apartment earlier than expected. In all honesty, we're not really affected by the financial turmoil. Oh, maybe I might, I may get a slight nip in my living allowance, worst case scenario. But I hardly think so at this point of time. As for Babe, I don't think he's really affected. With work, he'll probably be able to get more value for money in the business environment.
But I wonder as people are having difficult times, is it wrong for us to wish things might turn even worse so that we can get that apartment that we want at a lower rental? We can get more SIN dollars from our HK dollars? And we maybe able to get our apartment in Singapore earlier? Babe and I do not have any shares or money in the financial, stock or share markets. Number 1, we do not have excess money to invest or rather gamble and number 2, I'm too chicken and dumb to do it and number 3, if I truly wanted to gamble, I'd rather catch a ferry to Macau to play the slot machines.
But what sickens me is the unscrupulous people who chose to cheat poor victims who do not understand financial jargon into investing risky funds and them losing heaps of money. These are poor people who saved penny by penny and then waking up and realising that they are holding on to fixed deposits that have lost more than half of their values. And look at AIG. After being bailed out by the US government with tax payers' money, the top execs splurge at an exclusive resort in California. Lehman Bros was the same. Top execs had real fat bonuses last year and then this year, declares bankrupt. And in true reality, it is the poor victims are who illiterate in financial terms that are suffering. Top execs had their fair share of fun, frivolous spending ways and their expensive toys but poor victims out are the ones that are really having a hard time.
I guess at the end of this rambling post, I'm just trying to say, in every situation there are winners and losers. The financial and banking execs may think that they are the losers because they can't afford the Porsches or BMWs now but spare a thought for the poor victims who are really misled by their financial advisers. And the trusting American taxpayers who paid for the exclusive retreat for the AIG execs. Sad, huh. Still delighting in the misery of others. As for me, all I hope is for the HK dollar to be at 5 is to 1 for SIN dollar, a cheaper rental for the apartment that we're looking at and lastly, hopefully by next summer, we'll be able to buy our dream apartment. Not too much to ask for is it?
Monday, October 06, 2008
Foreign Workers vs Serangoon Gardens
Foreign workers and Serangoon Gardens both have special places in my heart. Both are special and it's hard for me to see what's happening there.
I spent a large part of childhood, teenhoon and my early adulthood in Serangoon Garden. As toddler or as far back as my memory can bring me back. I used to cycle on my little tricycle in Grandpa's backyard while he was fixing millworms to be fed to be birds. Sometimes Joanne would be sitting in the back of my tricycle. I even remember grandma pulling peas off the plants to cook for dinner. And then from one house in Serangoon, Grandpa and Grandma moved to another house just a couple metres down the road. In this house, I have more memories. Every Sunday, we'll piled into Daddy's car and we'll head to have dinner in Grandpa and Grandma's house. We'll play like wild kids. But it was also this house that I remember saying my last goodbye to Grandpa without realising that it was my finally goodbye. Grandma's house was always filled with plants and catus. Mum would bring her catus to Grandma and she'll fixed them. The neighbours that grandma had were very nice people. And then towards my early adulthood, Grandma moved to Ayi's house as the house was being pulled down to be rebuilt. Grandma moved again. This time to another part of Serangoon Gardens. I love Serangoon Gardens. And if someday we have enough money, we'll get a place in Serangoon Gardens.
When I was growing up, i spent quite a bit of time in Dad's office and factory. He had foreign workers working for him. He had Thai, Bangladashis and can't even remember where else they were from. There were times that Dad even invited them over to our place for dinner. We were always taught to respect them. Even with the maids that we grew up with. Everyone of them we love and had respect for. Except for maybe a couple....That's besides the point. Foreign workers helped Dad to complete his jobs, put bacon, ham, bread, char siew and whatever else on the table. Even as Dad's business was crumbling, the foreign workers were paid first before Dad. This impressed upon me very much. Dad taught us that all humans have value. It doesn't matter where they are from or what they do for a living. There's nothing like we are more superior than the foreign workers.
I remember Mah Bow Tan saying this,'We were all foreign immigrants at one point of time. Our forefathers came to seek a better future and they stayed.' Yes, precisely. And it makes me sad to see and look at Serangoon Gardens looking at foreign workers at disdain. How many of them have seen how they lived in their tiny cramped dorms with creepy crawlies everywhere? Have they seen these poor workers sitting at the back of trucks in the pouring rain going to jobsites? Do they have hearts to feel for them? Yes, I'm not in Singapore and not, I'm not in Serangoon Gardens now, but these poor souls have a right to somewhere to live. And its sad to hear, that people will say they can live anywhere except in my neighbourhood.
After living in Australia and now in Hong Kong, people have asked me, have you come across racism? I always tell them, I take everything with a pinch of salt. And now, racism is becoming glaring in Singapore. Babe works closely with foreign workers now and they are nice people. Geninue and willing to help. They are just here to earn a living. There are more times that they are cheated than they actually commit crimes. Why can people learn to love and understand that we are all people, it really doesn't matter.
I spent a large part of childhood, teenhoon and my early adulthood in Serangoon Garden. As toddler or as far back as my memory can bring me back. I used to cycle on my little tricycle in Grandpa's backyard while he was fixing millworms to be fed to be birds. Sometimes Joanne would be sitting in the back of my tricycle. I even remember grandma pulling peas off the plants to cook for dinner. And then from one house in Serangoon, Grandpa and Grandma moved to another house just a couple metres down the road. In this house, I have more memories. Every Sunday, we'll piled into Daddy's car and we'll head to have dinner in Grandpa and Grandma's house. We'll play like wild kids. But it was also this house that I remember saying my last goodbye to Grandpa without realising that it was my finally goodbye. Grandma's house was always filled with plants and catus. Mum would bring her catus to Grandma and she'll fixed them. The neighbours that grandma had were very nice people. And then towards my early adulthood, Grandma moved to Ayi's house as the house was being pulled down to be rebuilt. Grandma moved again. This time to another part of Serangoon Gardens. I love Serangoon Gardens. And if someday we have enough money, we'll get a place in Serangoon Gardens.
When I was growing up, i spent quite a bit of time in Dad's office and factory. He had foreign workers working for him. He had Thai, Bangladashis and can't even remember where else they were from. There were times that Dad even invited them over to our place for dinner. We were always taught to respect them. Even with the maids that we grew up with. Everyone of them we love and had respect for. Except for maybe a couple....That's besides the point. Foreign workers helped Dad to complete his jobs, put bacon, ham, bread, char siew and whatever else on the table. Even as Dad's business was crumbling, the foreign workers were paid first before Dad. This impressed upon me very much. Dad taught us that all humans have value. It doesn't matter where they are from or what they do for a living. There's nothing like we are more superior than the foreign workers.
I remember Mah Bow Tan saying this,'We were all foreign immigrants at one point of time. Our forefathers came to seek a better future and they stayed.' Yes, precisely. And it makes me sad to see and look at Serangoon Gardens looking at foreign workers at disdain. How many of them have seen how they lived in their tiny cramped dorms with creepy crawlies everywhere? Have they seen these poor workers sitting at the back of trucks in the pouring rain going to jobsites? Do they have hearts to feel for them? Yes, I'm not in Singapore and not, I'm not in Serangoon Gardens now, but these poor souls have a right to somewhere to live. And its sad to hear, that people will say they can live anywhere except in my neighbourhood.
After living in Australia and now in Hong Kong, people have asked me, have you come across racism? I always tell them, I take everything with a pinch of salt. And now, racism is becoming glaring in Singapore. Babe works closely with foreign workers now and they are nice people. Geninue and willing to help. They are just here to earn a living. There are more times that they are cheated than they actually commit crimes. Why can people learn to love and understand that we are all people, it really doesn't matter.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Babe is Back
Babe is back today. He has already touched down when I called him. He's getting his luggage and he should be back in an hour so. Pretty happy about that. It's nice to see him after about 2 weeks of him being away. Well, I don't even know how long is he going to stay in HK and when will he be away again. That doesn't matter. As long as I've my Babe with me for the next couple of days, I'll be happy!
And hopefully the weather will not turn bad this weekend. Would love to go out and hang out with Babe. So please Mr Sun, hang around and leave only when Monday comes!
And hopefully the weather will not turn bad this weekend. Would love to go out and hang out with Babe. So please Mr Sun, hang around and leave only when Monday comes!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A Visit to Grandma
Mum and Joanne flew into Hong Kong on Friday night to visit me and more importantly to see grandma. Before leaving, mum tried calling grandma but she couldn't get her. Called around to relatives and finally found out that grandma was in the hospital. Grandma has been going in and out of the hospital because of her bad aches.
Got to Dongguan and saw grandma. It was nice to see her. She seemed to have shrunk a little and it was true. Apparently this is due to old age. Brought her out for dinner and chatted with her. But grandma's memory seemed to be lapsing. Her short term memory is bad, real bad. We kept having to repeat stuff to her. The lady next to grandma on her left, is mum's cousin. Mum obviously is in the one clad in pink shawl. Mum's cousin has been faithfully taking care of grandma without asking for anything in return and it's really nice to realise that in the midst of all the greed in the world, there is this lady who takes great care of grandma for more than 7 or 8 years.

This morning after breakfast, we went to see grandma. Well, got to the hospital and it was incredibly crowded. I went up to the room with mum first. Went to grandma's room and was kinda shocked to find grandma not there! And then was told that she was discharged. Phew! And then Joanne came up. First thing she said, 'I've got pickpocketed.' She seemed calm and collected and then she had to make calls to cancel her credit cards. The way I see it, well, maybe someone really needed the money and had to take hers. No point being mad with the person who took it. Went to grandma's place, found her and sat and chatted with her.
A sniplet of conversation with grandma
Grandma: Where is ayi (mum's sister) living now?
Mum: At 66 Chiselhurst.
Grandma: Oh, so who stays at Conway?
Mum: Seah, you know, brother's friend?
Grandma: Oh yes. Jasmine, you working in Hong Kong now?
me: Oh yes, working in Hong Kong now.
Grandma: So where's Ayi living now? Is she back in Singapore?
Mum: Ya, she back in Singapore living in 66 Chiselhurst.
Grandma: Oh really?
Joanne: Je, you see, grandma's short term memory is bad, huh?
Grandma: So, ayi is back in Singapore? Where is she living?
Mum: She's living in 66 Chiselhurst with Aloy. (Mum still patient)
Me: So, guess what's she's going to say next? (me playing on my phone)
Grandma: So, where's Ayi living now?
Mum, Joanne and me stilfing our laugher, controlling, snorting, making strange noises.
Mum: I need to get to the bathroom. (We heard her laughter from the toilet)
Joanne roaring into laughter.
Grandma: Why's everyone laughing? What's so funny?
Me: Because you asked for the 3 or 4th time the same question (laughing and trying so hard to keep straight face)
Grandma: Sorry, hahaha, see I told you, I've bad memory.

I took this picture of grandma and grandpa. There are times that I forget how grandpa look like. I was telling Joanne that it pays to be the eldest because I've memories of grandpa, playing in the backyard of their house, talking to him and just being around him. When he died, I was 10. Grandma told me that grandpa used to work for NUS and he always wondered if his grandchildren would go to NUS. Well, grandpa, they did. Joanne and Alwin did. But the rest of us went overseas. Grandpa was probably the first person that imprinted in my head that education is very important. There are times that I wish that grandpa didn't leave so early. I wished that I had a couple of years more with him. I wanted him to see that his adopted daughter, mum, did him proud by raising 3 daughters who are graduates despite the difficulties that she had in life. I remember once grandma spotted an animal stuck in between her flowerpots. She thought it was a cat and she hit it. And it started squealing and squealing. Grandpa ran out and told her that it was a guniea pig. I guess that must have been when my love for guinea pigs started.
As I sat in the car on the way home, my thoughts turn to grandma. It's like she's on borrowed time. How long more does she have with us? On one hand, I don't want her to go but she misses grandpa very much. Grandma told us today that she's been to Rome, Scotland, London and lots more places with grandpa. They had a wonderful loving relationship. Her memory is lapsing and I wonder how much more time does she have? I wonder if she's happy. I must say that even when I was living in Singapore, I probably saw grandma more than Ah Ma, dad's mum. Even Joanne agreed that it's the same with her. And often I wonder if the last time that I see her, will that be the real last time?
Got to Dongguan and saw grandma. It was nice to see her. She seemed to have shrunk a little and it was true. Apparently this is due to old age. Brought her out for dinner and chatted with her. But grandma's memory seemed to be lapsing. Her short term memory is bad, real bad. We kept having to repeat stuff to her. The lady next to grandma on her left, is mum's cousin. Mum obviously is in the one clad in pink shawl. Mum's cousin has been faithfully taking care of grandma without asking for anything in return and it's really nice to realise that in the midst of all the greed in the world, there is this lady who takes great care of grandma for more than 7 or 8 years.
This morning after breakfast, we went to see grandma. Well, got to the hospital and it was incredibly crowded. I went up to the room with mum first. Went to grandma's room and was kinda shocked to find grandma not there! And then was told that she was discharged. Phew! And then Joanne came up. First thing she said, 'I've got pickpocketed.' She seemed calm and collected and then she had to make calls to cancel her credit cards. The way I see it, well, maybe someone really needed the money and had to take hers. No point being mad with the person who took it. Went to grandma's place, found her and sat and chatted with her.
A sniplet of conversation with grandma
Grandma: Where is ayi (mum's sister) living now?
Mum: At 66 Chiselhurst.
Grandma: Oh, so who stays at Conway?
Mum: Seah, you know, brother's friend?
Grandma: Oh yes. Jasmine, you working in Hong Kong now?
me: Oh yes, working in Hong Kong now.
Grandma: So where's Ayi living now? Is she back in Singapore?
Mum: Ya, she back in Singapore living in 66 Chiselhurst.
Grandma: Oh really?
Joanne: Je, you see, grandma's short term memory is bad, huh?
Grandma: So, ayi is back in Singapore? Where is she living?
Mum: She's living in 66 Chiselhurst with Aloy. (Mum still patient)
Me: So, guess what's she's going to say next? (me playing on my phone)
Grandma: So, where's Ayi living now?
Mum, Joanne and me stilfing our laugher, controlling, snorting, making strange noises.
Mum: I need to get to the bathroom. (We heard her laughter from the toilet)
Joanne roaring into laughter.
Grandma: Why's everyone laughing? What's so funny?
Me: Because you asked for the 3 or 4th time the same question (laughing and trying so hard to keep straight face)
Grandma: Sorry, hahaha, see I told you, I've bad memory.
I took this picture of grandma and grandpa. There are times that I forget how grandpa look like. I was telling Joanne that it pays to be the eldest because I've memories of grandpa, playing in the backyard of their house, talking to him and just being around him. When he died, I was 10. Grandma told me that grandpa used to work for NUS and he always wondered if his grandchildren would go to NUS. Well, grandpa, they did. Joanne and Alwin did. But the rest of us went overseas. Grandpa was probably the first person that imprinted in my head that education is very important. There are times that I wish that grandpa didn't leave so early. I wished that I had a couple of years more with him. I wanted him to see that his adopted daughter, mum, did him proud by raising 3 daughters who are graduates despite the difficulties that she had in life. I remember once grandma spotted an animal stuck in between her flowerpots. She thought it was a cat and she hit it. And it started squealing and squealing. Grandpa ran out and told her that it was a guniea pig. I guess that must have been when my love for guinea pigs started.
As I sat in the car on the way home, my thoughts turn to grandma. It's like she's on borrowed time. How long more does she have with us? On one hand, I don't want her to go but she misses grandpa very much. Grandma told us today that she's been to Rome, Scotland, London and lots more places with grandpa. They had a wonderful loving relationship. Her memory is lapsing and I wonder how much more time does she have? I wonder if she's happy. I must say that even when I was living in Singapore, I probably saw grandma more than Ah Ma, dad's mum. Even Joanne agreed that it's the same with her. And often I wonder if the last time that I see her, will that be the real last time?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Weekend Without Babe
Yes, I know, it's a little late. It's like early Wednesday morning already. I've been rather busy, actually even busier than when Babe's in town.
On Saturday, stayed at home in the morning while the part time helper came to clean the house. After that, was meant to meet Carmen for a movie but that didn't pan out as the tickets were sold out. We went for tea instead. After tea, we went for a massage and caught up with Shirley, a friend of Carmen's. After the massage, went to Susan's boyfriend, Eric's birthday party. Didn't stay out long as I wanted to get home to feed Happy and also to spend time with her.
On Sunday, met Cindy and another friend and her boyfriend for church. Went to ECC. It was a nice church. But guess, we're happy at IBC for the moment and we don't really see the need to switch but I'll still pop by whenever I can. After church, had lunch with friends. It was nice to know that even though Babe's not around for the weekend, I've got friends that are around me and are there to spend time with me. It was also rather coincidental that I got in contact with Cindy to ask her if she wanted to meet for church and to have lunch after that, as Adrian, her boyfriend was not in town.
Monday came around, work, gym, and then, yes, another massage and then met up with Carmen for dinner. Tueday, work, and then.....while teaching my last class, an announcement came. We had to pack the kids home as the bridge was about to close and typhoon signal number 8 would be hoisted soon. Got home a little early, grabbed food from the supermarket, just in case the typhoon might still be around tomorrow, I'll have food.
This weekend, at Eric's party, I met another NET who has been in HK for 8 years and interestingly, he and his wife have been in a long distance relationship for 8 years. He told me that its not the quantity that matters but rather the quality that matters. When I look at Babe and myself, it's very true. Emily, Derrick's girlfriend said to me once, that in a Chinese saying, when being apart and being together again, for married couples, it's like being newly married again. Err, something like that. Well, it is very true. I told a friend that yes, after being married for close to 6 years and dating the guy for 10 years before getting married, the butterflies in the tummy kinda died. But now, each time Babe takes off for a work trip, caterpillars appear in my tummy and by the time Babe gets back to HK, the caterpillars become butterflies! I get all excited again and try my best not to pick on frivolous things to squabble with Babe because it is just ain't worth it! We don't have enough time!
I do like my time away from Babe at times but at times, I wish he's around to help me deal with things. I'm sitting in the living room while the winds howl and screech and I'm perspiring because I can't really turn on the AC as it is leaking. Wish he's around to deal to the issue. Hate to have to make a call to the repair guys or get my landlord to fix it for us. It's a hassle and yes, me lazy! I know, I can surf the net in my room now that we have wireless but room got no TV!!!
Time to stop babbling....enough...This is what happens when Babe is away, I just type and type.....anyway, enjoy this mad video of my little Happy!
On Saturday, stayed at home in the morning while the part time helper came to clean the house. After that, was meant to meet Carmen for a movie but that didn't pan out as the tickets were sold out. We went for tea instead. After tea, we went for a massage and caught up with Shirley, a friend of Carmen's. After the massage, went to Susan's boyfriend, Eric's birthday party. Didn't stay out long as I wanted to get home to feed Happy and also to spend time with her.
On Sunday, met Cindy and another friend and her boyfriend for church. Went to ECC. It was a nice church. But guess, we're happy at IBC for the moment and we don't really see the need to switch but I'll still pop by whenever I can. After church, had lunch with friends. It was nice to know that even though Babe's not around for the weekend, I've got friends that are around me and are there to spend time with me. It was also rather coincidental that I got in contact with Cindy to ask her if she wanted to meet for church and to have lunch after that, as Adrian, her boyfriend was not in town.
Monday came around, work, gym, and then, yes, another massage and then met up with Carmen for dinner. Tueday, work, and then.....while teaching my last class, an announcement came. We had to pack the kids home as the bridge was about to close and typhoon signal number 8 would be hoisted soon. Got home a little early, grabbed food from the supermarket, just in case the typhoon might still be around tomorrow, I'll have food.
This weekend, at Eric's party, I met another NET who has been in HK for 8 years and interestingly, he and his wife have been in a long distance relationship for 8 years. He told me that its not the quantity that matters but rather the quality that matters. When I look at Babe and myself, it's very true. Emily, Derrick's girlfriend said to me once, that in a Chinese saying, when being apart and being together again, for married couples, it's like being newly married again. Err, something like that. Well, it is very true. I told a friend that yes, after being married for close to 6 years and dating the guy for 10 years before getting married, the butterflies in the tummy kinda died. But now, each time Babe takes off for a work trip, caterpillars appear in my tummy and by the time Babe gets back to HK, the caterpillars become butterflies! I get all excited again and try my best not to pick on frivolous things to squabble with Babe because it is just ain't worth it! We don't have enough time!
I do like my time away from Babe at times but at times, I wish he's around to help me deal with things. I'm sitting in the living room while the winds howl and screech and I'm perspiring because I can't really turn on the AC as it is leaking. Wish he's around to deal to the issue. Hate to have to make a call to the repair guys or get my landlord to fix it for us. It's a hassle and yes, me lazy! I know, I can surf the net in my room now that we have wireless but room got no TV!!!
Time to stop babbling....enough...This is what happens when Babe is away, I just type and type.....anyway, enjoy this mad video of my little Happy!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
In Times Like These
So now we may have a financial turmoil lurking around in the corner and in China and parts of Asia we have a milk scare that's going on. What's going on? Why are things like these happening? Well, in my humble opinion, one word, GREED. The filthy five letter word. So filthy and disgusting that well, the financial industry is reeling from the yo-yo madness, people jobless or on the verge of losing their jobs with the possibility of being homeless. With the milk scare, there are at this point of time, 4 babies dead and more than 6000 sick.
Apparently there may be more banks going down and governments around the world are trying their best to hold the economy up. Lines are forming outside AIA offices to get their policies terminated. Well, thank God, I don't have policies with them. But reality is that even if AIA may be fine but with everyone rushing to terminate and cash out their policies, they may very well collapse. A fine example of self fulfilling prophecy. And the irony of it, these people bought insurance polices to safeguard their money and to pay for their illness when and if the need arrives and now.....fear grips them. And I wonder, have they put their trust in the wrong person?
I guess the sub prime thingy has finally hit hard. From what I understand, in my limited understanding of financial matters, people basically overstretched themselves. Everything went on credit from home mortgage to car to renovations, to everything in the house. What came in every month was barely enough to pay for everything. People became greedy and money became their idol. Well, I'm not judging anyone because I'm part of the crowd too. But what does all these bring for us? I'm happy to say that I've learnt my lesson from spending way too much and am still learning to have a better perspective of money to letting it go for better use and also not let it fritter away.
And the milk madness in China? Greed led some people, don't know who they were, that added melamine to diluted milk to cheat and in the processes kill babies or get them sick. It's greed and greed and more greed! Wonder if these people feel guilt that they have caused death and hurt these poor babies.
At class today, I had a discussion with the kids about money and if money brings happiness. Well, honestly, it doesn't. Families, friendships, and relationship break down and split up because of money. Sure money is great but there are more important issues than money. I remember Pastor Mark said that if you're not contented when you have enough and you won't be contented when you have more. To me, that's pretty true. I remember once a friend said to me that all her rich friends are happy and I guess she's probably trying to say she'll be happy if she had more. But the reality is that money does and will not bring us happiness. I know that because I've been through it. People have turned to worshipping money and therefore the mayhem is here, on the way, or whatever. It's the consequences that we're paying for now.
With my life so far, I'm glad and very thankful with what I have now. I've been blessed with plenty and I'm not hankering for more. Over these couple of years in HK, I've been learning money lessons. Yes, I still have a shopping habit and I still love beautiful things but I'm learning not to want and have it all. I'm learning to put aside for a rainy day and also for our future abode in Singapore. We sold our flat and we want to buy a home sometime next year or whenever. And I still live with the constant reminder from myself that I'm blessed with loads of love and having money is always a bonus that has been bestowed upon me.
Apparently there may be more banks going down and governments around the world are trying their best to hold the economy up. Lines are forming outside AIA offices to get their policies terminated. Well, thank God, I don't have policies with them. But reality is that even if AIA may be fine but with everyone rushing to terminate and cash out their policies, they may very well collapse. A fine example of self fulfilling prophecy. And the irony of it, these people bought insurance polices to safeguard their money and to pay for their illness when and if the need arrives and now.....fear grips them. And I wonder, have they put their trust in the wrong person?
I guess the sub prime thingy has finally hit hard. From what I understand, in my limited understanding of financial matters, people basically overstretched themselves. Everything went on credit from home mortgage to car to renovations, to everything in the house. What came in every month was barely enough to pay for everything. People became greedy and money became their idol. Well, I'm not judging anyone because I'm part of the crowd too. But what does all these bring for us? I'm happy to say that I've learnt my lesson from spending way too much and am still learning to have a better perspective of money to letting it go for better use and also not let it fritter away.
And the milk madness in China? Greed led some people, don't know who they were, that added melamine to diluted milk to cheat and in the processes kill babies or get them sick. It's greed and greed and more greed! Wonder if these people feel guilt that they have caused death and hurt these poor babies.
At class today, I had a discussion with the kids about money and if money brings happiness. Well, honestly, it doesn't. Families, friendships, and relationship break down and split up because of money. Sure money is great but there are more important issues than money. I remember Pastor Mark said that if you're not contented when you have enough and you won't be contented when you have more. To me, that's pretty true. I remember once a friend said to me that all her rich friends are happy and I guess she's probably trying to say she'll be happy if she had more. But the reality is that money does and will not bring us happiness. I know that because I've been through it. People have turned to worshipping money and therefore the mayhem is here, on the way, or whatever. It's the consequences that we're paying for now.
With my life so far, I'm glad and very thankful with what I have now. I've been blessed with plenty and I'm not hankering for more. Over these couple of years in HK, I've been learning money lessons. Yes, I still have a shopping habit and I still love beautiful things but I'm learning not to want and have it all. I'm learning to put aside for a rainy day and also for our future abode in Singapore. We sold our flat and we want to buy a home sometime next year or whenever. And I still live with the constant reminder from myself that I'm blessed with loads of love and having money is always a bonus that has been bestowed upon me.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
In Sickness and in Health
Recently a good friend of mine in Hong Kong was hospitalised. I was on the way to class when I recevied a text from her boyfriend that she was hospitalised. Of course, my heart skipped a beat and was worried for her. But I had class to go. Went to class, felt quite unsettled and at break time, made a run and went right to the hospital.
Saw her in the hospital, another of our friend was already there spending time with her. Her boyfriend had to go and get some stuff for her. Seeing her lying on the bed got me wondering about things. As usual, I think bloody too much. She was sick, didn't look too good but her spirits were up. She was surrounded by friends that probably made too much noise and were laughing away at silly jokes. Her boyfriend came back and joined in the fun. Not sure if it was really fun for the other patients because we made far too much noise. Am glad that she met this wonderful guy that did everything that he could to take care of her. And it also helped that he speaks Cantonese.
But as I left, I pondered and wondered......I'm used to living alone and now that Babe goes away so often, what would I do in case of an emergency like that? Would I know what to do? Do I know how to get to hospital and be able to converse in Cantonese when I'm in pain? And, importantly, do I have enough money to see me through private hospital? Got home and told Babe to make sure that his work insurance covers the both of us. And I thought, when I'm in hospital, will I be like my friend who was surrounded by 'her family' in HK? And my scariest thought, at my funeral, will they be people that turn to say goodbye and we'll miss her or will it be few and people saying, good riddance!
Got me thinking about life. Am I living a life that would make leave positive impacts on people around me? Am I making a difference to people around me? Look, don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for praise or like, wow, she's such a great person. Honestly, I don't care for all those praise but i want to lead a life that is of a positive impact, influence to people that are around me. I don't want to lead a life with regret. This friend of mine, she's a wonderful person and I love her company and she made me think of my life. Thanks, hun!
And this Monday, Lehman Bros collapse, Merrill Lynch is being bought out, AIG in trouble. In other words, money troubles around the world. Got me thinking, so what with money? Bad time comes, it goes. And things happen. What's the point of hoarding or envying others and wanting more and then more is never enough? Money is just money. If I have more, good. If I have less, well, that's fine. Doesn't really bother me. But just don't take away my Babe. Take everything away from me but not my Babe. I told a friend once, if I had to choose between whatever that I have now and Babe, take everything from me, I just want my Babe. Money can always be earned again but it'll take me more than a lifetime to find another Babe.
Saw her in the hospital, another of our friend was already there spending time with her. Her boyfriend had to go and get some stuff for her. Seeing her lying on the bed got me wondering about things. As usual, I think bloody too much. She was sick, didn't look too good but her spirits were up. She was surrounded by friends that probably made too much noise and were laughing away at silly jokes. Her boyfriend came back and joined in the fun. Not sure if it was really fun for the other patients because we made far too much noise. Am glad that she met this wonderful guy that did everything that he could to take care of her. And it also helped that he speaks Cantonese.
But as I left, I pondered and wondered......I'm used to living alone and now that Babe goes away so often, what would I do in case of an emergency like that? Would I know what to do? Do I know how to get to hospital and be able to converse in Cantonese when I'm in pain? And, importantly, do I have enough money to see me through private hospital? Got home and told Babe to make sure that his work insurance covers the both of us. And I thought, when I'm in hospital, will I be like my friend who was surrounded by 'her family' in HK? And my scariest thought, at my funeral, will they be people that turn to say goodbye and we'll miss her or will it be few and people saying, good riddance!
Got me thinking about life. Am I living a life that would make leave positive impacts on people around me? Am I making a difference to people around me? Look, don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for praise or like, wow, she's such a great person. Honestly, I don't care for all those praise but i want to lead a life that is of a positive impact, influence to people that are around me. I don't want to lead a life with regret. This friend of mine, she's a wonderful person and I love her company and she made me think of my life. Thanks, hun!
And this Monday, Lehman Bros collapse, Merrill Lynch is being bought out, AIG in trouble. In other words, money troubles around the world. Got me thinking, so what with money? Bad time comes, it goes. And things happen. What's the point of hoarding or envying others and wanting more and then more is never enough? Money is just money. If I have more, good. If I have less, well, that's fine. Doesn't really bother me. But just don't take away my Babe. Take everything away from me but not my Babe. I told a friend once, if I had to choose between whatever that I have now and Babe, take everything from me, I just want my Babe. Money can always be earned again but it'll take me more than a lifetime to find another Babe.
Monday, September 15, 2008
There are Beautiful People Part 2
A couple of days ago I was watching Channelnewsasia and there was a program that really touched me. Belinda Lee, a Singaporean TV host, went to India to visit a few orphanages that's run by an Indian guy. I forget his name. I was very touched by the show. This guy basically gave up his life and everything to help these poor kids in various parts of India. There was this scene that as he and Belinda were driving away from an orphanage, he was tearing away and so was Belinda. He said that even after a few years of running these orphanages, he still feels the same each time he has to leave one. Belinda Lee really amazed and surprised me too. She didn't hesitate to hug and kiss the kids. It didn't matter to her if they were grubby or not! I wonder will I be able to do what she did.
I remember Pastor Heng telling us about Iris when she visited Kenya. She was the same. It didn't matter if the kids were grubby and not showered for weeks in Kenya, she still gave hugs and kisses to the kids that she saw in Kenya. Seriously, I don't know if I can ever do that. But I guess if one day God calls me, I'll obey.
There are always beautiful people around us. But at the same time, there were people who do good to get publicity and to gain fame for themselves. Those people to me, have the wrong motives and they don't impress me. To do good to get famous in my humble opinion is wrong. But to do good without wanting the fame but in the process of it, fame comes, that's a different story. I like Brad and Angelina. I don't care what people say. But to me, they do good because they want to do good. They don't hobnob in Hollywood but they get down and get their hands dirty to try to make changes to the world. In my books, they are truly beautiful people both inside and outside.
I remember Pastor Heng telling us about Iris when she visited Kenya. She was the same. It didn't matter if the kids were grubby and not showered for weeks in Kenya, she still gave hugs and kisses to the kids that she saw in Kenya. Seriously, I don't know if I can ever do that. But I guess if one day God calls me, I'll obey.
There are always beautiful people around us. But at the same time, there were people who do good to get publicity and to gain fame for themselves. Those people to me, have the wrong motives and they don't impress me. To do good to get famous in my humble opinion is wrong. But to do good without wanting the fame but in the process of it, fame comes, that's a different story. I like Brad and Angelina. I don't care what people say. But to me, they do good because they want to do good. They don't hobnob in Hollywood but they get down and get their hands dirty to try to make changes to the world. In my books, they are truly beautiful people both inside and outside.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
There are Beautiful People
There are beautiful people in the world but sometimes we forget. I'm not talking about superficial, drop dead gorgeous kind of beautiful people. But rather, people with beautiful hearts and souls.
A couple of months ago, there was this little girl in HOLF that captured my heart. I really hoped that we could adopt her. But we prayed about it and we felt that it was not God's calling. Sure, I felt bad. She has Thalessamia Major. Its a lifelong illness that may not have a cure. Please do not get it wrong that just because she's sick that we feel that she's not good enough for us. But rather it's the opposite. We felt that we may not be financially able enough to provide for her. We prayed that a family that has a little more will come forward.
True enough, prayers were answered. A couple is in the processing of adopting her. The lady works part time from home and her husband's company's health insurance will help take care of all the health bills. They have enough researched for stem cell transplant for her. I met them and am in awe of the fact that they have thought it through and they are willing to go through and invest in the child. Thank God for them! A really beautiful couple and I pray that things will work out for little Lok Yee. She deserves a nice family who will love her for everything.
As for us, we will continue to pray for God's guidance in terms of adoption. We've told the welfare department to match us only in January as Babe will be really busy for the next couple of months. He's back but he's probably leaving in a week or a couple of days. So...we shall see and leave everything in God's hands!
A couple of months ago, there was this little girl in HOLF that captured my heart. I really hoped that we could adopt her. But we prayed about it and we felt that it was not God's calling. Sure, I felt bad. She has Thalessamia Major. Its a lifelong illness that may not have a cure. Please do not get it wrong that just because she's sick that we feel that she's not good enough for us. But rather it's the opposite. We felt that we may not be financially able enough to provide for her. We prayed that a family that has a little more will come forward.
True enough, prayers were answered. A couple is in the processing of adopting her. The lady works part time from home and her husband's company's health insurance will help take care of all the health bills. They have enough researched for stem cell transplant for her. I met them and am in awe of the fact that they have thought it through and they are willing to go through and invest in the child. Thank God for them! A really beautiful couple and I pray that things will work out for little Lok Yee. She deserves a nice family who will love her for everything.
As for us, we will continue to pray for God's guidance in terms of adoption. We've told the welfare department to match us only in January as Babe will be really busy for the next couple of months. He's back but he's probably leaving in a week or a couple of days. So...we shall see and leave everything in God's hands!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Back to Work
While my ex-colleagues in Spore are having their one week Sept break, today is my second day at work/school. On Sunday night, I had problems falling asleep because I was excited to go to work. I know it all sounds very strange.
When I came back to Hong Kong for meetings before school started, I was even excited and happy to see some of the students at the supermarket, on the ferry or just up and about. It's really weird and abnormal to me that I genuinely miss the kids and that I'm actually looking forward to work. It has never occurred to me that I'll actually feel that good about going to work.
When I think about it, I guess for the longest time, I am finally happy at work. And to a certain extent, I feel that I am making impacts on these kids and forming relationships with them. I was even invited to lunch with some of the last year's primary six kids! With my work 'family', there's still room to grow but I am happy. I like my colleagues, I'm not drawn into their gossips or politics as I don't quite understand what's going on at times and I've no interest in politics or climbing up the corporate ladder so basically, I don't care. But I must say that most of my colleagues are helpful and they try to go out of their way to help me.
Yes, I am happy and at peace with work. Am looking forward to work tomorrow even though I wish that I can sleep in a little later. But well, one can't have everything. And....more importantly, Babe is coming back tomorrow!!!! YA!!! Can't wait!
When I came back to Hong Kong for meetings before school started, I was even excited and happy to see some of the students at the supermarket, on the ferry or just up and about. It's really weird and abnormal to me that I genuinely miss the kids and that I'm actually looking forward to work. It has never occurred to me that I'll actually feel that good about going to work.
When I think about it, I guess for the longest time, I am finally happy at work. And to a certain extent, I feel that I am making impacts on these kids and forming relationships with them. I was even invited to lunch with some of the last year's primary six kids! With my work 'family', there's still room to grow but I am happy. I like my colleagues, I'm not drawn into their gossips or politics as I don't quite understand what's going on at times and I've no interest in politics or climbing up the corporate ladder so basically, I don't care. But I must say that most of my colleagues are helpful and they try to go out of their way to help me.
Yes, I am happy and at peace with work. Am looking forward to work tomorrow even though I wish that I can sleep in a little later. But well, one can't have everything. And....more importantly, Babe is coming back tomorrow!!!! YA!!! Can't wait!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Settled In?
Been back in HK for a couple of weeks now. I feel that I've been settled in ever since the day I got back to HK. Since Babe is still in Spore, my time has been filled with meeting friends for coffee, lunches and dinners. Actually, been a little too busy. Today, I started wondering, how long will I be settled here for?
Last Thursday, I went for Hannah's farewell dinner. I got to know Hannah through Mel and she's just a wonderful person with a great sense of humor! I feel like, just when I got to know her, it's time for her to go. Today in church, Esther and William, a couple from the church that we attend, they're going back as well. They've been here for 25 years and now, it's time for them to go. After lunch, Nat and me were just chatting and he mentioned that his parents came back to HK to pastor a church and basically with all their moves, they listened to God and took it upon them to listen and move with faith. It was like Abraham when God told him to move and he obeyed. It was the same with Nat's friend, Maureen, we met her on the train and she joined us for lunch. She said that she felt that it was really God's will for her to move here.
I thought about my life and I wonder, will Babe and me be able to do that? Yes, in my ideal life, if Babe has to move to Delhi, I would like to do charity work with the people there. But in reality, would I be able to do that. Would I have the obedience to be able to really listen and obey? But am then reminded of what Pastor Heng always says, 'Honour God and He'll honour you back.' Sure, it's always easier said than done.
I know that there are times that I live this paradox, ironic, double standard or whatever you call it. I blog and talk about me going to church and sure, there are many times that I do not seem to exhibit the life of a Christian. I admit and I know. Sure, I've been called a hypocrite, a pew warmer, a Sunday Christian and whatever. But, I'm learning. Everyday I'm learning to be a better person and yes, I'm human, sure, I fall off the bandwagon all the time. High profiled Christian leaders and evangelists fall off the bandwagon all the time as they get tempted by the world. If they can fall, what more can be said about me? However, I know and understand that I need to learn and trust and believe that with time, hopefuily, I will become a better Christian and person, NOT for me, I don't need any praise or glory but rather to live a life for Him.
Last Thursday, I went for Hannah's farewell dinner. I got to know Hannah through Mel and she's just a wonderful person with a great sense of humor! I feel like, just when I got to know her, it's time for her to go. Today in church, Esther and William, a couple from the church that we attend, they're going back as well. They've been here for 25 years and now, it's time for them to go. After lunch, Nat and me were just chatting and he mentioned that his parents came back to HK to pastor a church and basically with all their moves, they listened to God and took it upon them to listen and move with faith. It was like Abraham when God told him to move and he obeyed. It was the same with Nat's friend, Maureen, we met her on the train and she joined us for lunch. She said that she felt that it was really God's will for her to move here.
I thought about my life and I wonder, will Babe and me be able to do that? Yes, in my ideal life, if Babe has to move to Delhi, I would like to do charity work with the people there. But in reality, would I be able to do that. Would I have the obedience to be able to really listen and obey? But am then reminded of what Pastor Heng always says, 'Honour God and He'll honour you back.' Sure, it's always easier said than done.
I know that there are times that I live this paradox, ironic, double standard or whatever you call it. I blog and talk about me going to church and sure, there are many times that I do not seem to exhibit the life of a Christian. I admit and I know. Sure, I've been called a hypocrite, a pew warmer, a Sunday Christian and whatever. But, I'm learning. Everyday I'm learning to be a better person and yes, I'm human, sure, I fall off the bandwagon all the time. High profiled Christian leaders and evangelists fall off the bandwagon all the time as they get tempted by the world. If they can fall, what more can be said about me? However, I know and understand that I need to learn and trust and believe that with time, hopefuily, I will become a better Christian and person, NOT for me, I don't need any praise or glory but rather to live a life for Him.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
God's Providential Hand
Last Sunday at church, Pastor Mark mentioned about God's Providential Hand. He mentioned something like when God weaves things together in a way that it seems coincidental, it's like God taking care of things and making things work for us. It was a sermon about being content in our lives. He also mentioned that if we can't be content when we're poor, how then can we be content when we're rich? Which is so true because when is enough ever enough then?
What was also interesting after that was that a friend told me that she was meant to be on the greyhound bus that a man decapitated another man. This just happened over the summer in Canada. She didn't get on the bus for some reason and now, she understands. After her sharing that with me, I thought about a couple of things. I told Carmen about the earthquake that shook California and at that time, I was meant to be in Jo's place but I decided to go there a day earlier. And also, I took the greyhound bus the day before I heard about the greyhound news in Canada. She said, 'Wow, someone must be looking out for you.' And yes, the someone is God.
Babe called today and he told me that he won't be back tomorrow but instead next week. Well, I'm fine with that as it'll give me time to be alone and do more stuff. Then he told me that maybe we should push the adoption to January as he will be travelling quite a lot for the next 3 months. Sure, my heart dropped a tad but I understood that he had a point. Yes, work is important for him but that extra time will give us more time to prepare, to learn and understand what is it really like to look after another human being.
As I was disappointed, I felt drawn to what Pastor Mark said about God's Providential Hand. I was reminded that we prayed and we both understood that we're leaving everything in God's hands. I did a google on God's Providential Hand and this link came up,
I had a read through and yes, that's what I told God and myself I'm going to do. I'm going to be living on the end edge of whatever happens. That's sums up my life. So why then was I disappointed? I love the analogy that the author of the sermon wrote about cakes. That's so true, He takes different parts of our lives to make it great.
Life is lived forward and understood backward. That is such a powerful statement. Well, it is always upon reflection that we understand why our lives turn out this way. There has been many times that I've wondered when I was going through issues in my life that I wonder why, why God. But when I look back, I understand. And even little things like last Chinese New Year, I booked my ticket to Lombok but Babe couldn't get his ticket and the trip had to be postponed to Easter, and then a few weeks later, we understood why. His boss at the last minute informed him that he was going to be in Spore.
So, there I have it. God works in ways that I don't know but I know that He sees the big picture. And that's going to be my life, I'm going to live on the edge of whatever happens because I know He holds tomorrow. That's one of my favourite songs even though I hardly sing it now and hardly hear it too. Miss my Youth Fellowship days in Galilee.
What was also interesting after that was that a friend told me that she was meant to be on the greyhound bus that a man decapitated another man. This just happened over the summer in Canada. She didn't get on the bus for some reason and now, she understands. After her sharing that with me, I thought about a couple of things. I told Carmen about the earthquake that shook California and at that time, I was meant to be in Jo's place but I decided to go there a day earlier. And also, I took the greyhound bus the day before I heard about the greyhound news in Canada. She said, 'Wow, someone must be looking out for you.' And yes, the someone is God.
Babe called today and he told me that he won't be back tomorrow but instead next week. Well, I'm fine with that as it'll give me time to be alone and do more stuff. Then he told me that maybe we should push the adoption to January as he will be travelling quite a lot for the next 3 months. Sure, my heart dropped a tad but I understood that he had a point. Yes, work is important for him but that extra time will give us more time to prepare, to learn and understand what is it really like to look after another human being.
As I was disappointed, I felt drawn to what Pastor Mark said about God's Providential Hand. I was reminded that we prayed and we both understood that we're leaving everything in God's hands. I did a google on God's Providential Hand and this link came up,
I had a read through and yes, that's what I told God and myself I'm going to do. I'm going to be living on the end edge of whatever happens. That's sums up my life. So why then was I disappointed? I love the analogy that the author of the sermon wrote about cakes. That's so true, He takes different parts of our lives to make it great.
Life is lived forward and understood backward. That is such a powerful statement. Well, it is always upon reflection that we understand why our lives turn out this way. There has been many times that I've wondered when I was going through issues in my life that I wonder why, why God. But when I look back, I understand. And even little things like last Chinese New Year, I booked my ticket to Lombok but Babe couldn't get his ticket and the trip had to be postponed to Easter, and then a few weeks later, we understood why. His boss at the last minute informed him that he was going to be in Spore.
So, there I have it. God works in ways that I don't know but I know that He sees the big picture. And that's going to be my life, I'm going to live on the edge of whatever happens because I know He holds tomorrow. That's one of my favourite songs even though I hardly sing it now and hardly hear it too. Miss my Youth Fellowship days in Galilee.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Pics from Singapore
After dinner last night with Carmen, got into a cab and was told by the cab driver of the possibility of a typhoon 8. Got back to Park Island and went to the supermarket right away just in case what he said was true. The supermarket was crowded and well, the shelves were pretty empty as well. Woke up to a typhoon 8 this morning and it didn't seem that bad that I could bring Happy down for a walk and also get papers from 7-11. But now, it's like typhoon 9. Don't know how strong the wind is, but I can see the waves looking scary from the apartment. And since the wind is billowing outside, I might as well upload some pics that were taken in Spore. We stayed at Oriental Hotel on Singapore's National Day and were able to watch the parade from the room and on TV. Saw nice fireworks too. Was nice. Manage to celebrate WK's grandma's birthday too. Think she's more than 90. Don't exactly know how old she is. Anyway, enjoy the pics!

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Back Home?
I'm back in Hong Kong finally after about 5 weeks of travelling. To be honest, I am happy to be back but at the same time, there are thoughts in my head. Thoughts that are just floating and making me ponder. Yes, I love to think a lot I must admit, especially now that I'm home alone with Happy.
First thought that's been floating for the past couple of days. Where's home for me now? I was excited to head home to Spore for the holidays. Spent about 2 weeks there. I had a great time there. Met up with family, friends and even ex-students as well. And yes, even had lunch with Pastor and Mrs Heng. Come to think of it, the last time that I had lunch with Pastor and Mrs Heng was probably more than 6 years ago. In the first week we stayed at Oriental Hotel which in a way was great but it wasn't exactly a home. The second week, we moved to dad and mum's. Yes, it's nice to be with family but at the same time, at the back of my head, I wasn't exactly at home there. Yes, it was my home before but now, I felt like a visitor back to my parents' home. And I wonder, is it the fact that we don't have a physical home in Spore anymore that we feel less at home in Spore? Even Babe mentioned as he sent me off at the airport, that this is his first time actually wanting to head back to HK but he can't because of work reasons. On the flight back, I felt happy. I couldn't wait to land to get home! And when I opened the door, even though the apartment is in a mess, I felt home! It's hard, for me to realise that home for now is HK.
Second thought, after landing in HK, while waiting for the bus, I was surfing on my iphone. I read on Channelnewsasia's website that a Spanish plane skidded in Madrid and killed 45 people. I sat there with shivers down my spine. Despite my love for travelling, flying still scares me at times! A couple of days ago, I took the public bus with Babe and I joked with him that we probably catch the plane more times than catching the public bus in Spore. Sorry, don't mean to sound snobbish. I've a mini phobia of flying as I'm afraid of plane crashes. I remember somewhere early this year, I was on a flight back to Spore and the plane hit turbulance and well, I threw up on the plane. Quite bad, I must say. And I do not watch movies with plane crashes as the theme. I am very thankful for the journey mercies that God has showered upon me on these flights. And am very thankful that Babe has always been safe despite the fact that he's travelling a lot more.
Third thought, friends.....Am very thankful for friends that God has provided all these years. I met up with Joy. A friend that I've met at uni more than 10 years ago and for the last 11 years since I've graduated, I've not met up with her. Met up with her in her beautiful home, saw her cute son and husband and am genuninely happy that she's doing well. Wished we had more time to sit down and chat but I guess there's always next time. I'm also glad to have caught up with friends and that friends have made the effort to spare the time for me. I must give extra credit to Sharon and Veron. Despite being extremely busy and pregnant, Sharon still took time to have lunch with me and to share laughter. Really miss those times that we just sat and chat. I remember travelling a couple of times with Sharon and she's always a laugh. Veron's the same. Extremely pregnant and huge, she took time to have lunch and then dinner with me. Plus, I got to see her kids too. There are times that I really miss working with them but I guess I should be thankful that I'm blessed with wonderful friends like them. Even Angie took time to meet up to lunches and she also made chillies for me. Looking at my friends in Spore and my friends in Hong Kong, I am more than thankful in every single aspect. I have more friends than I can ask for. Yes, I am trusting and there are times that I have gotten bitten by so called friends but if I have to be bitten and stabbed just to meet the wonderful friends that I have, I am more than happy to get bitten and stabbed again. These are friends that are like my family now.
I have way more thoughts....But at this time, I'm just going to focus on happy thoughts....I just want to savour me coming home and being with Happy. Will blog about my other thoughts in the future or maybe never. Sometimes I've way too much thoughts that it scare me.
First thought that's been floating for the past couple of days. Where's home for me now? I was excited to head home to Spore for the holidays. Spent about 2 weeks there. I had a great time there. Met up with family, friends and even ex-students as well. And yes, even had lunch with Pastor and Mrs Heng. Come to think of it, the last time that I had lunch with Pastor and Mrs Heng was probably more than 6 years ago. In the first week we stayed at Oriental Hotel which in a way was great but it wasn't exactly a home. The second week, we moved to dad and mum's. Yes, it's nice to be with family but at the same time, at the back of my head, I wasn't exactly at home there. Yes, it was my home before but now, I felt like a visitor back to my parents' home. And I wonder, is it the fact that we don't have a physical home in Spore anymore that we feel less at home in Spore? Even Babe mentioned as he sent me off at the airport, that this is his first time actually wanting to head back to HK but he can't because of work reasons. On the flight back, I felt happy. I couldn't wait to land to get home! And when I opened the door, even though the apartment is in a mess, I felt home! It's hard, for me to realise that home for now is HK.
Second thought, after landing in HK, while waiting for the bus, I was surfing on my iphone. I read on Channelnewsasia's website that a Spanish plane skidded in Madrid and killed 45 people. I sat there with shivers down my spine. Despite my love for travelling, flying still scares me at times! A couple of days ago, I took the public bus with Babe and I joked with him that we probably catch the plane more times than catching the public bus in Spore. Sorry, don't mean to sound snobbish. I've a mini phobia of flying as I'm afraid of plane crashes. I remember somewhere early this year, I was on a flight back to Spore and the plane hit turbulance and well, I threw up on the plane. Quite bad, I must say. And I do not watch movies with plane crashes as the theme. I am very thankful for the journey mercies that God has showered upon me on these flights. And am very thankful that Babe has always been safe despite the fact that he's travelling a lot more.
Third thought, friends.....Am very thankful for friends that God has provided all these years. I met up with Joy. A friend that I've met at uni more than 10 years ago and for the last 11 years since I've graduated, I've not met up with her. Met up with her in her beautiful home, saw her cute son and husband and am genuninely happy that she's doing well. Wished we had more time to sit down and chat but I guess there's always next time. I'm also glad to have caught up with friends and that friends have made the effort to spare the time for me. I must give extra credit to Sharon and Veron. Despite being extremely busy and pregnant, Sharon still took time to have lunch with me and to share laughter. Really miss those times that we just sat and chat. I remember travelling a couple of times with Sharon and she's always a laugh. Veron's the same. Extremely pregnant and huge, she took time to have lunch and then dinner with me. Plus, I got to see her kids too. There are times that I really miss working with them but I guess I should be thankful that I'm blessed with wonderful friends like them. Even Angie took time to meet up to lunches and she also made chillies for me. Looking at my friends in Spore and my friends in Hong Kong, I am more than thankful in every single aspect. I have more friends than I can ask for. Yes, I am trusting and there are times that I have gotten bitten by so called friends but if I have to be bitten and stabbed just to meet the wonderful friends that I have, I am more than happy to get bitten and stabbed again. These are friends that are like my family now.
I have way more thoughts....But at this time, I'm just going to focus on happy thoughts....I just want to savour me coming home and being with Happy. Will blog about my other thoughts in the future or maybe never. Sometimes I've way too much thoughts that it scare me.
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