Saturday, February 24, 2007


Watched Protege today. It was good. Protege learns from drug lord and protege turns out to be a rat from the cops. It was a good show. Liked it. But what got me was the little girl in the show. Jane, the little girl had junkies for parents. Guess being in my profession, kids that are in these environment get to me.

But you know, the irony of all, someone really close to me, someone that I grew up with, someone who is almost like my brother, is putting his kids through it. Strange how life turns out to be. WK left the alcohol industry because he finally realized at that point of time that he was in a way selling poison to people and for that, I really respect him for it. I hardly even smoke these days. Can't deal with mothers who smoke when their pregnant or when they smoke around their young kids. So when I saw the kid taking the needle from her mum in the show, it really got to me. Do parents who do drugs understand what their kids are going through? It's hard you know? I remember seeing this person close to me shooting up, it really hurt inside knowing that he'll probably remain a junkie for a long long time.

For obvious reasons, I'm not going to name him. But if you're ever, ever reading this. Get off that shit! Your kids need you. How long more do you expect your mum to look after your kids? And you know what's worse? Mum told me that she saw your kid who is only 14 drinking in front of her and he's started smoking as well. Am I surprised to hear that? No, honestly, no...Absent father, kid probably knew that dad is a junkie, so what's smoking compared to shooting up? So if you're reading this blog entry, it's time to come home. Your mum and kids need you. We're here to support you. My family is always and will always be there for you. You're like a son that my parents never had. Come home, we love you!

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