Woke up this morning and went to church. Church shopping again. Went to International Baptist Church. Met the Carlsons there. I knew the Carlson family since I was a kid. We went to the same church. They left for HK about 16 years ago. I went to IBC because I knew the Carlsons went there. Initially, I taught that IBC was pretty far from Central as it's in Aberdeen. But it didn't cost that much from Central when I took a cab there this morning. Church was great! I actually enjoyed the service. Felt a little like home. And I do believe that church shopping might end now....Thank God for that. People were friendly, and also I felt that sermon was great and holy communion was normal as well. No bread dipping in juice...no more curry bread! That was important for me. I really prayed over this issue and I want to go to a church that's sound.
After church, I went to for lunch. Met people from Geoexpat. It was interesting meeting new people. When people are in their home countries, they don't meet people on the internet. I mean, I've never met anyone online in Spore at all. Never needed too. But in HK, I've met some people that became friends online. It's strange when you think about it. Oh, lunch was yummy! The best burgers I've had in a long long time! After lunch, I went to do some grocery shopping. Had to get food for the week.
Came home and decided that I needed to get a massage. Called Angsana, the spa in my complex, and found out that's its HK$600+ for an hour. Well, they were fully booked and I decided to try the massage place in the village...Well, for 45 mins foot massage and 45 mins body massage, it's was only $218. That's a bargain! Well, can't complain about the ambiance.....The foot massage was not too bad. The body massage was alright. But boy, did the lady have strength. She's prob half of me but her grip...That was something!
I was going to Shenzhen tomorrow with Michelle and her sis but apparently, it'll be crowded tomorrow. So I guess, tomorrow, I'll go catch a movie since it's a public holiday.
11.40 pm
Hong Kong
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