Sunday, September 10, 2006

Parents' Day and Amber rain???

I woke up today and went to the mall in Tsingyi looking for a jacket to wear for parents' day today. I was talking to Simon yesterday about dressing up for parents' day. In my mind, I had the impression that since it was a saturday, I was thinking of dressing down. But Simon looked at me and said that he turned up in a suit for parents' day during his first year in the school. And I was like....ok...time to look for a jacket. So off to Tsingyi this morning....found nothing...all too small, then off to Tung Chung, another mall, and it came to a point that I would just walk into a shop and asked if they have a jacket that's my size. And fears are confirmed...I'm too fat in HK! Even the XL can't fit me!!! So more time for gym...Came home and with a box of jap food instead! So have to make do. Wore a skirt and my tailored shirt. Guess, I looked formal enough.

Went to school and guess what, it started to rain...Damn! I'm all dressed up and carrying my nice Fendi bag and it's raining...But the walk is just 5 mins away so arrived in school relatively dry. Sat through the first session. The session for P 1 parents. Was asked to introduced to the parents and I said 2 lines. Next session started and again I was introduced and again I said 2 lines. So I was in school from 1.30 to 4.30 just to say 4 lines in all....

Came home and then at the lobby, the concierge put up a sign saying that the amber rain signal has been hoisted. I'm like what on earth is an amber rain??? Came home called Colleen to check on tonight's plan...and we had a good laugh about amber rain. I was half expecting orange skies or orange rain drops, or something amber...But well, no amber in sight. Anyway, Colleen couldn't make it out so it was just Michelle and me.

We met up at Tsim Sha Tsui. Walked around and we settled for Jap. We met up last night for dinner with Colleen and Martina as well. But guess, we're the lonely ones that live alone and so we met up for dinner again. After dinner we walked around again before having dessert. The gelati was yum....Nice evening. And am proud of myself for not buying stuff. But I caught a cab to Tsingyi to come home and when I got off the cab, I was like damn....that HK$100 could have bought me 3 lunches or a shirt or something! Damn...shouldn't have taken the cab...Oh well, wanted to come back to chat with WK anyway. And yes, WK is going to try to make another trip to see me...Ya! But he'll confirm everything with me by next fri.

12.15 am

Hong Kong

1 comment:

sunniefaith said...

Hey Jing....Yes, 4 lines...and in the midst of pouring rain....never mind, just smile and look good and professional and my principal was happy with me!