Monday, September 04, 2006

Wk Back to Spore

Just came back from the airport. Wk has left to go back to Spore. Sure, I miss him but life goes on. I know that most people do not kinda agree that we lead this sort of lifestyle. However, honestly, I do like this lifestyle. I do feel that being apart from each other tends to make us appreciate the short time we have with each other whenever we see each other. As the saying goes, absence makes the hearts grow fonder. I totally agree with this saying. The 1o days that we spent with each other were great. We had a wonderful time together. Anyway, I'll be seeing him in about 3 weeks' time. Can't wait to see him again! Wk went for his second interview today. Things seems to be looking up. Thank God for it. We'll wait upon God to see His will for us.

Work has been great so far. Well, still haven't got a chance to teach the kids yet. The students have half days for 3 days for class teachers to do admin work. I've been in school doing planning for my lessons. Had an hour meeting with the primary 5 teachers to discuss about lessons. From primary 4 to 6 classes, I see each class about once a fortnight. I'm basically teaching reading workshops. The students do 2 storybooks a term and I am in charge of teaching these storybooks. I find it almost like teaching literature class in a secondary school. I do hope to make little impacts on their lives even though I see so little of each class.

8.30 pm

Hong Kong

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